Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012
The May minutes were approved.

Dean’s Report
Dean Allen Spiegel reported that a Board of Overseers meeting was held a short time ago at Einstein, and that it included a retreat concerning how science is done at Einstein, with a particular focus on the graduate program.  The Dean acknowledged the contributions of Vic Schuster, Vici Freedman, and Myles Akabas to this very successful event.

Speaker’s Report
Senate Speaker Jeff Segall announced the retirement of Lauretta Riley, who has handled administrative issues for Senate leadership for the past 22 years.  Lauretta was presented with a plaque in recognition of her years of devoted service.      

Committee on Committees
Vinayaka Prasad, Chair of the Committee on Committees, informed the Senate that there was nothing to report. 

Steven Porcelli:  Einstein Flow Cytometry Core Facility 2012--Where We Are, and Where We’re Going
Steven Porcelli, Scientific Director of the Flow Cytometry Facility, provided a comprehensive description of the services provided by this facility. 

Cece Haas and Rani Sellers:  Quality of Life Committee
Cece Haas, co-chair of the Quality of Life Committee, and member Rani Sellers reviewed the history and accomplishments of this committee.  Findings from the recent faculty survey concerning quality of life issues were also presented, as were the committee’s plans for the future.