Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 6, 2013
The January minutes were approved.

Dean’s Report
Dean Allen Spiegel discussed the status of the Urology Chair search.  He also summarized the progress that has been made toward the creation of an education center at Einstein.   

Speaker’s Report
Senate Speaker Jeff Segall noted that the next “Seeds for Collaboration” faculty mixer, sponsored by the Faculty Interactions Committee, will be held on February 14th in Max and Sadie.  He also summarized the recent analysis of PhD faculty salaries.          

Committee on Committees
Vinayaka Prasad, Chair of the Committee on Committees, reported that the Legal Affairs Committee had been reformulated.  The composition of the committee was approved by the Senate.     

Jed Shivers:  Update on the Banner Implementation
Jed Shivers, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, provided an update on Einstein’s transition to Banner and milestones to watch for in the coming weeks.

Cristina Montagna:  Molecular Cytogenetic Services:  FISH, Tissue Culture, and Sample Processing
Cristina Montagna, Scientific Director of the Molecular Cytogenetic Core, provided an overview of the range of services provided.