Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, April 3, 2013
April 3, 2013
The March minutes were approved.
Dean’s Report
Dean Allen Spiegel reported on Vic Schuster’s planned transition from Chair of the Department of Medicine to Senior Vice-Dean at Einstein. He then announced a generous bequest from long-time Einstein supporter Muriel Block to be used to support medical research at Einstein.
Speaker’s Report
Senate Speaker Jeff Segall noted that the next “Seeds for Collaboration” faculty mixer, sponsored by the Faculty Interactions Committee, will be held on April 18th in Max and Sadie.
Committee on Committees
Vinayaka Prasad, Chair of the Committee on Committees, informed the Senate that there was nothing to report.
Fred Brewer: Tenure and Space at Einstein
Fred Brewer, Professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, presented his views regarding tenure and space at Einstein.
Frank Macaluso: Light and Electron Microscopy Services Offered by the Analytical Imaging Facility
Frank Macaluso, Administrative Director of the Analytical Imaging Facility and Director of Electron Microscopy, provided an overview and examples of the services offered by the facility.