Einstein Senate
Council Meeting: Wednesday, February 18, 2015
February 18, 2015
PRESENT: Drs. Allen Spiegel, Jeffrey Segall, Jill Crandall, Ekaterina Dadachova, Susan Horwitz, Nadine Katz, Ellie Schoenbaum, Victor Schuster, Simon Spivack, Pamela Stanley, Allison Harney, Ms Jessica Doerner, Drs. Stephen Baum, Ed Burns
EXCUSED: Drs. Elyse Sussman, Robbie Burk, Vern Schramm
GUEST: Ms. Shelly Motzkin
Things are on track for the June 30th target date for completing the legal details of the Montefiore-Yeshiva University agreement.
A number of external groups have expressed their congratulations on the recent agreement.
Dr. Darrell G. Kirch, president of the AAMC, will be this year’s commencement speaker.
The LCME draft report has been received. It is mostly very positive with some issues identified, as is usual for the LCME review. The LCME meeting date for the final report and decision is early June.
Ideas regarding how to identify new research opportunities taking advantage of the closer integration with Montefiore are being requested. Possibilities range from large scale center type themes to mechanisms for enabling more faculty interactions. Examples of large scale themes include: cancer genomics/precision medicine, comparative effectiveness research, neurological disorders, and immunology.
Implementation of the new tenure policy was discussed. The three faculty members who were recommended by the tenure committee last year for tenure will be presented to the Board of Overseers for approval in May. Regarding conferring tenure on current full Professors, the process is still being developed. The initial screen will identify those with at least 50% salary coverage over the past 3 years, with then further criteria (such as requesting outside letters) to be considered. The applications for promotion to Professor in the Investigator track for this year will be evaluated for promotion with tenure. The timeline for the retrospective awarding of tenure to current Professors and promotion of the current applicants will hopefully take place in the fall once the final legal documents regarding the Montefiore-Yeshiva University agreement have been signed.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey E. Segall, Ph.D.
Speaker, Einstein Senate