Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Dean Spiegel commented briefly about the ongoing transition. He mentioned that the IRS granted the new Einstein independent 501(c)(3) status, and emphasized that July 1st is a target date to complete the transition process. Dean Spiegel addressed the question regarding academic appointments and employment after June 30th by saying that the tenure and compensation policy and system of academic appointments apply as well as the Senate Bylaws. Dean Spiegel provided a description of the tour around the Kennedy building that he and Dr. Safyer undertook.

Jeffrey Segall mentioned that for the upcoming Einstein Board of Overseers meeting, he, as the speaker for the Senate, will give a brief presentation about the tenure and compensation policy and the resolutions that to some extent contributed to the negotiation. Dr. Segall presented the remaining amendments to the tenure policy and mentioned that he will be sending out a Survey Monkey vote.

Suzanne Locke, the director of the Research Finance Department, gave a power point presentation about the grant transfer process to the New Einstein.

Yvonne Ramirez, Human Resource Officer, gave a slide presentation describing the changes in health plan.