Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dean Spiegel announced the appointment of Dr. Yaron Tomer as the new Chair of Medicine. He mentioned that there are three new Clinical Department Chair searches: Neurosurgery, Radiology, and Psychiatry.

Jeffrey Segall, in his Speaker’s Report, presented the list of the elected Members of the 2016 Senate Council. He also briefed on the last two Council meetings mentioning that thematic presentations and budgetary issues were presented and discussed.

Maureen Charron, Chair of the Committee on Committees, reported that the new Tenure & Compensation Committee, chaired by Dr. Pamela Stanley, had its inaugural meeting. Maurren invited Faculty, particularly Clinical Scientists to join the Faculty Interactions Committee.

Jed Shivers (Associate Dean for Finance and Administration) and Jim Geraghty (Chief Financial Officer) gave detailed presentations about the 2016 budget for Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Incorporated.