Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, February 1, 2017


February 1, 2017


PRESENT: Drs. Allen Spiegel, Jeffrey Segall, Elyse Sussman, Julia Arnsten, John Blanchard, Jill Crandall, Johanna Daily, Chandan Guha, Ellie Schoenbaum, Victor Schuster, Pamela Stanley, Steve Walkley, Elena Martynova, Ed Burns, Mr. Paul Johnston, Ms Nina Flerin

EXCUSED: Drs. Nadine Katz, Allison Ludwig


GUEST: Ms Shelly Motzkin

The initial discussion of future agenda topics for Senate Council meetings was concluded. The following items will be scheduled:

  1. Plans regarding merging Montefiore and Einstein Development offices: progress, metrics of success. Will be discussed by the Dean.
  2. Status of promotions and tenure process. To be covered by the Dean.
  3. IT transition process and data server issues: a presentation by Shailesh Shenoy. The Senate Council should collect input from the faculty to provide suggestions for topics to include in the presentation.
  4. System for determining merit increases, COLA raises, and other salary adjustments. Will ask Ed Burns and Jed Shivers to present
  5. Programs to enhance diversity – what they are, how they are functioning, what will be the metrics by which success is measured (at student, post-doc, faculty, and senior faculty/Chair levels) Will ask Yvonne Ramirez and staff to present.
  6. Discussion of postdoc housing availability and status. Dr. Bresnick, Director of the Belfer Institute will be invited along with Jed Shivers and facilities people.
  7. Einstein Core Scientific Facilities: the number, year formed, cost to the school, user group, fee structure, number of personnel, etc. Will ask Jed Shivers, Brian Pelowski and Harris Goldstein to present.
  8. Falk center conditions. Will ask a facilities representative and Jed Shivers to present.

Possible items to consider later:

  • Budget update: after the Senate presentation of the budget (possibly March), the possibility of a more detailed discussion in the Council will be decided.
  • Check on transition workgroups relevance – Jeff Segall update the list and see what is relevant and/or necessary.
  • An update by June on the revision to the education program and successor to Dr. Grayson.

The resolution to be presented at the Senate meeting was discussed
The meeting adjourned at 3:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey E. Segall, Ph.D.
Speaker, Einstein Senate