Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Minutes was approved with a change on the last paragraph referring to the FY’18 expense from $33 million to $66 million. After approval of the Minutes, Dr. Allen Spiegel gave his Dean’s report. He mentioned that a bipartisan congressional group has proposed for Congress approval a bill to increase the NIH budget by two billion dollars. Also, with regard to NIH, Dr. Spiegel reported that they are exploring implementing a new policy that will limit the total amount of grant funding that an investigator can have roughly to 3 RO-1. The last item related to the award of Tenure for the current academic year; a list of 10 faculty members (one lateral appointment, three Associate to Full Professors, and 6 untenured Full Professors) will be presented at the Einstein Board meeting on May 16th for approval of Tenure.

  • Dr. Jeffrey Segall, on his Speaker’ report summarized the two previous Council meetings since last Senate meeting. Items discussed were the budget, which was presented at the previous Senate meeting and renovation of the Falk Recreation Center.
  • Dr. Kelvin Davies, Chair of the Committee on Committees, presented a list of members of the Admissions Committee for approval by the Senate. The roster was approved.
  • Dr. Jessica Mars, Assistant Professor in Systems and Computation Biology, talked about the Hackathon “Hacking the fountain of youth” that will take place in July and invited all interested to join the event.
  • Mr. Jack Zencheck, Associate Vice President of Business Services, presented the goals of procurement services.