Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, October 10, 2018


October 10, 2018


PRESENT: Drs. Gordon Tomaselli, Elyse Sussman, Myles Akabas, Julia Arnsten, John Blanchard, Robbie Burk, Johanna Daily, Ellie Schoenbaum, Ed Burns, Allison Ludwig

EXCUSED: Drs. Jeffrey Segall, Meredith Hawkins, Nadine Katz, Elizabeth Kitsis, Mx Logan Hughes-Hogan, Ms. Shelly Motzkin

ABSENT: Drs. Chandan Guha, Courtney Niland,


  • Dr. Gregg Tarquinio is the new Associate Dean for Administration and Finance. Reports to the Dean.
  • Things are on track with Middle States. Accreditation is the next step.
  • In process of transfer from YU to Einstein-Montefiore (e.g., migration of email, grants transfer).
  • Consultant will be hired to find best plan to integrate Einstein and Montefiore IT needs. Task force will be convened to set plan of specific areas to be addressed by consultants. Volunteers who want to be on task force and contribute to this plan should come forward.
  • Cancer Center Director search is ongoing. Moving from previous Center organization to a comprehensive plan that will include patient care and clinical trials.
  • Search committees for Pediatrics and ENT will be formed by the beginning of November
  • A meeting with the Development Office personnel will be held to discuss ways to revitalize the fundraising effort.
  • Meeting will be held with those at Jacobi involved in education of our medical students, to engage Jacobi in the Educational mission of Einstein and foster strong relationships with Einstein and the hospital.
  • Would like to see increase in graduate student recruitment to previous levels and improve recruitment efforts for students into various departments.

The meeting adjourned at 3:59 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Elyse S. Sussman, Ph.D.
Vice Speaker, Einstein Senate