Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, October 2, 2019
• After approval of the Minutes, Dr. Tomaselli gave the Dean’s report,
updating the Senate on the strategic plan for Einstein and on the ongoing
leadership searches. Hires in the Development Office and in Research
Operations were also announced.
• Ms. Suzanne Locke announced the upgrade of the Cayuse grant submission
software and a few changes in the Office of grant support operations.
• Mr. Shailesh Shenoy presented updates on email migration, networking
and multimedia improvements.
• Dr. Segall announced the approval of the first set of amendments to the
Senate bylaws.
• Dr. Nico Moshe presided over the election of the new Senate officers.
o New Senate Speaker will be Dr. Julia Arnsten.
o New Senate Vice Speaker will be Dr. Jonathan Lai.
o Dr. Antonio Di Cristofano was confirmed as Secretary.
o Dr. Matthew Gamble was confirmed as Treasurer.