Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, January 8, 2020

  • After approval of the Minutes, Dr. Tomaselli gave the Dean’s report, updating the Senate on the recent visioning retreat, on the relationship between Montefiore and Einstein and the three Boards involved, on the ongoing budgeting process, and finally on the GMP Facility to be established in Van Etten.
  • The Senate Vice Speaker, Dr. Lai, updated the Senate on two Senate Council meetings and presented the results of the Senate Council elections..
  • Dr. Arne Gennerich, chair of the Committee of Committees, presented an overview of all existing senate committees.
  • Dr. Victor Schuster, representing the Council, presented a motion to add two assistant and two associate professors to the Council roster. The motion was approved.
  • Ms. Yvonne Ramirez gave an update on the family leave policy.