Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, July 1, 2020

• The Senate Speaker, Dr. Arnsten, gave her report announcing that the Senate bylaws will be discussed by the end of Summer.

• Dr. Tomaselli gave the Dean’s report, updating the Senate on the reopening of the College, as well as on the impact of the recent visa suspension proclamation. on students and postdocs. He then took questions from the audience.

• Mr. Gregg Tarquinio, Ms. Yvonne Ramirez, Ms. Suzanne Locke, Ms. Barbara Levy, And Dr. Allison Ludwig updated the Senate on the current status of Human Resources, Finance, IRB, Engineering/Facilities and Medical Education, respectively.

• Dr. Nerys Benfield updated the Senate on Diversity and Inclusion initiatives, including curricular changes, town hall themes and a new dedicated Senate committee.

• Dr. Jeff Segall led a discussion of proposed changes to the Senate bylaws.