Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Dr. Tomaselli gave the Dean’s report, sharing some thoughts on the impact of the recent presidential election. He updated the Senate on the ongoing sustainability and legacy components of the Einstein review being performed by the McKinsey Consulting Group as well as on the COVID effects on the financial relationship with Montefiore.

• Dr. Tomaselli congratulated the faculty for the $220M awarded by NIH this year, and announced the new tenured faculty.

• Dr. Nico Moshe run the election for the Senate officers, with the incumbent slate confirmed for another term.

• The Senate Speaker, Dr. Arnsten, gave her report updating the Senate on recent Senate Council meetings and announcing the Senate council elections via email vote and the new Seeds for Collaborations season.

• Dr. Arne Gennerich, chair of the Committee on Committees, proposed the slates for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as well as Promotions Committees, which were approved by the Senate.

• Dr. Ed Burns gave an update on the Middle States accreditation. The Self-study has been submitted, and a first visit by the committee leader has taken place.

• Finally, a recent Zoom-bombing incident was discussed, and a number of suggestions were made to avoid further incidents.