Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, December 6, 2023

  • Dr. Elizabeth Kitsis gave the Dean’s Report on behalf of Dr. Tomer. She discussed the recent FDA audit; provided an update on two recently charged search committees; and gave the latest news regarding LCME. Dr. Kitsis also spoke briefly about her new role, which is currently focusing on LCME activities and announced the introduction of a new faculty feedback program in early 2024.
  • Dr. Holden gave a report on the activities of the DEI office. The updates included the hiring of a new program manager and the ongoing search for an Assistant Dean for DEI; the success of the Office of Diversity’s virtual open house; changes to the executive boards; and an update on the Bronx HOPE program. Volunteers for the ad hoc committee working on augmenting the Racial and Trauma Protocol that was discussed at the last Senate meeting are also welcome.
  • Dr. Arnsten provided the Speaker’s Report and updated the Senate on the most recent Senate Council meetings, which considered concerns from graduate students on inclusion and representation; the process for selecting nominees for limited grants and fellowships; and the preliminary findings of the ad hoc Gender Equality Committee. She reminded attendees to follow the instructions sent out by email to vote for the Senate Council and also let the Senate know that the proposal of the childcare benefits group will be submitted to Montefiore HR soon.
  • Dr. Marla Keller talked about her role as the Interim Senior Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research and Dr. Sharon Rikin outlined her role as Associate Dean for Continuous Quality Improvement, which is a new position for Einstein.
  • Sarah McNeilly and Vivian Kim presented on behalf of Medical Students for Choice New York City and discussed the group’s impressive work on both the state and national levels, which has included publications and presentations on their research related to medical schools’ response to the Dobbs decision and successful advocacy for legislation and funding for reproductive health training and telemedicine access to abortion. They are currently holding a GoFundMe to raise money to cover costs for patients who cannot afford even the bare-bones fees charged by the Abortion Coalition for Telemedicine Access.
  • Carla Pasquali discussed the open enrollment for 2024 benefits and changes to the coverage and limits for next year.
  • There was no additional old or new business at this meeting.