Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, January 3, 2024

  • Dr. Tomer gave the Dean’s Report. He outlined the upcoming RFAs related to the $100 million gift Einstein received, which will support labs and PhD/MSTP students. He also gave the latest news regarding LCME and the formation of learning communities and provided an update on applications for next year and several ongoing search committees.
  • Dr. Arnsten provided the Speaker’s Report and updated the Senate on the most recent Senate Council meetings, which discussed the role of gender equity in Einstein’s strategic plan; followed up on concerns from PhD students; and considered the hardship for students and junior researchers of paying for conferences and then waiting for reimbursement. The new Senate Council for 2024 has been convened and is planning its activities for the upcoming year, including potentially moving meetings out of a fully Zoom format.
  • Dr. Holden gave a report on the activities of the DEI office and introduced several new staff members. The updates included a review of the new Eboards formed in 2023, which are now seeking faculty advisors; announcement of an Einstein Community Building Grant, applications for which will be due February 15; and a reminder about the formation of the Einstein/ Montefiore Pathway Program Consortium. The office is also looking for volunteers for the DE&I Council action groups and a new ad hoc Professionalism Committee.
  • Jennifer Garner talked about her new role in the Dean’s office as Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Operations.
  • There was no additional old or new business at this meeting.