Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, September 2, 2020


WED SEP 2, 2020 


PRESENT: Drs. Gordon Tomaselli, Edward Burns

VIA ZOOM: Drs. Julia Arnsten, Jonathan Lai, Myles Akabas, Anita Autry-Dixon, Anne Bresnick, Robbie Burk, Jill Crandall, Johanna Daily, Tanya Johns, Victor Schuster, Pamela Stanley, Allison Ludwig; Mr. Ryan Graff.

ABSENT: Drs., Jonathan Alpert, Matthew Gamble, Chandan Guha, Elizabeth Kitsis, Susan Klugman, Courtney Niland.

  1. Meeting minutes from the Aug 19, 2020 Senate Council approved.
  2. Dean Tomaselli updated the council on several item: (i) continuing efforts to monitor COVID19 among Einstein staff and students; (ii) strategic management plan at Montefiore, which is being led by Jeffrey Short; (iii) new Cancer Center Director is planning to arrive in October.
  3. Dean Tomaselli discussed potential Departmental reorganization to match contemporary research interests, and because a number of Chairpersons will be retiring soon.
  4. Procedures and aspects of the Senate Bylaw revisions were discussed. Specifically, the Council approved a strategy to propose the Senate vote for revisions en bloc with the exception of several specific positions where the language “advice and consent of the senate” is used. This clause has many implications and warrants further discussion.
  5. The Council discussed reelection procedures and potential for term limits. A three-year term limit for Senate Officers was discussed.  

The meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, 
Jonathan Lai, Ph.D. 
Vice Speaker, Einstein Senate