Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5, 2008, 3pm

PRESENT: Dr. Spiegel, Drs. Weidenheim, Birshtein, Blanchard, Olson, Segall, Walker, Baum, Burns, Ms. Chrisman.
Excused: Drs. Cohen, Etgen, Schuster, Townsend, Battinelli, Safyer, Shulkin, Mr. Walsh.
Absent: Drs. Keller, Mehler,
Guest: Ms. Motzkin

I. The minutes of the previous Senate Council meeting held on Sept. 17, 2008 were corrected and approved.

II. Scheduling of Senate and Senate Council in 2009. Making the schedule of meetings for 2009 is difficult because of the Dean's responsibilities. Possible dates and times were discussed and will be confirmed at a later date.

III. Today's Senate Agenda. Mr. Shivers will discuss the impact of recent economic trends on EINSTEIN and its fiscal policy. Mr. Earle will discuss EINSTEIN branding, which will be formally announced on November 17. Discussion of the campus Master Plan will be deferred to a later date.

IV. Updates from the Dean.

A. LCME update. A letter of response from the LCME has been received and is largely positive. A clinical skills teaching space will be on the second floor of Van Etten, and is to be completed by August, 2009.
B. Inspection by Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. EINSTEIN has been granted probationary status for 6 months. Facilities issues raised by the inspectors will be solved in the near future.
C. Search Committees. The search committee for a Chair in Ophthalmology has found three excellent candidates. The search Committee for a Stem Cell Institute Director is moving forward. A search committee for a new Senior Associate Dean for Education will be charged the week of November 12 and will use outside advisors.
D. AAMC meeting. The Dean and his staff attended and participated in this recent meeting.

There being no additional business, the group adjourned to the 4pm Senate meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen M. Weidenheim
Speaker, Faculty Senate