Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 30, 2008, 3pm

PRESENT:  Dr. Spiegel, Drs. Weidenheim, Birshtein, Blanchard, Etgen, Mehler, Olson, Schuster, Walker, Ms. Chrisman, Drs. Baum, Burns;
Guest:  Ms. Motzkin. 
Excused:  Drs. Cohen, Segall, Townsend
Absent:  Drs. Keller, Battinelli, Baum, Safyer, Shulkin, Mr. Walsh

I.    The minutes of the previous Senate Council meeting held on April 2, 2008 were corrected and approved. 

II.    Improvement in US News World Report ranking:  AECOM rose from 39 to 36 this year in the US News and World Report rankings.  AECOM is ranked in both the Research and Primary Care categories, which is a strength.  Rankings are important because prospective students, alumni and the public look at them.  Criteria used for the rankings include perceptions of Residency Program directors in some but not all specialties (20%) and officials in the Dean's office (20%).  Research funding, student achievement on standardized tests, selectivity and student: faculty ratios are also considered, among other parameters.  Ways to improve the way AECOM is perceived were discussed, including printed newsmagazines for other medical and administrative professionals at other medical schools,  and showcasing AECOM's strengths to visiting professors.  The addition of the Price Center for Genetic and Translational Research should lead to an increase in AECOM's research funding and research rankings.  The Dean and his office are working on improving public perceptions with Mr. Earle and the Board of Overseers.

III.    Diversity of candidates for chairs.  The Dean reported on efforts to increase the diversity of representation of women and minorities on search committees, in candidate pools and offers made for high level positions such as departmental chairs.  Progress has been made as documented by the presence of women and minorities on search committees, in applicant pools, as finalists for chair-level positions and as new chairs. 

IV.  Chair Searches.  The search for a Chair for Ophthalmology is ongoing.  The committee to find a Director for the Stem Cell Institute is interviewing candidates.

V.  Space allocation at AECOM.  At the request of the Speaker, the Dean discussed his rationale for allocation of space at AECOM with the group.  The consensus of the group was that, given that space is limited, the Dean must decide which research programs are most important, and allocate existing space accordingly.   The Dean considers productivity as well as programmatic issues in this connection, and discusses such issues with involved faculty and their Chairs as necessary.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen M. Weidenheim
Speaker, Faculty Senate