Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19, 2008, 3pm

PRESENT: Dr. Spiegel, Drs. Weidenheim, Cohen, Blanchard, Etgen, Mehler, Olson, Segall, Townsend, Walker, Burns.
Absent: Drs. Birshtein, Keller, Schuster, Ms. Chrisman, Drs. Battinelli, Baum, Safyer, Shulkin, Baum.
Mr. Walsh

I. The minutes of the previous Senate Council meeting held on March 5, 2008 were reviewed and approved.

II. Updates from the Dean:
Chair Searches. Aviv Bergmann has accepted the Chair in Computational Systems Biology as of April 1. Jan Vijg has accepted the Chair in Genetics as of July 1. The candidate for Surgery is still negotiating. While all Chairs are important, the Chair in Surgery was noted to be particularly important in building up AECOM and its relationships with the affiliated hospitals, and it was suggested that this Chair be asked to present his vision to Senate when he is finally appointed. Negotiations are ongoing with a new Director for the Belfer Institute. The search for a Chair for Ophthalmology is ongoing and a search firm is assisting the committee.

Introduction of New AECOM Faculty to the academic community: The Dean’s Office will use the new AECOM website and internal faculty seminars for this purpose.

III. Benefits. Dr. Blanchard discussed planned changes in benefits for AECOM-based faculty, including changes in investment opportunities for retirement funds, greater withdrawal flexibility and an on site representative. These new options will have less administrative costs and save the faculty money. Loans to faculty, i.e. borrowing against your pension, will be possible. There is now a formal YU Board of Trustees Committee that will work on benefits. A system is in place for ongoing review and maintenance of the pension plan for faculty and staff. It was suggested that Mr. Michael Bloom, the University Benefits Manager, report on these changes at the next Senate meeting.

IV. Conflict of Interest Committee. The Dean requires a Conflict of Interest Committee to advise him about such issues. The Senate Council was asked to suggest possible members for the committee.

V. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen M. Weidenheim
Speaker, Faculty Senate