Einstein Senate
Council Meeting: Wednesday, February 20, 2008
FEBRUARY 20, 2008
PRESENT: Dr. Spiegel, Drs. Weidenheim, Birshtein, Blanchard, Keller, Mehler, Olson, Schuster, Segall, Townsend, Walker, Ms. Chrisman, Dr. Burns, Mr. Walsh.
Excused: Drs. Cohen, Etgen.
Absent: Drs. Schuster, Battinelli, Baum, Safyer, Shulkin.
I. The minutes of the previous Senate Council meeting held on January 23, 2008 were reviewed and approved.
II. Updates from the Dean:
Candidates for the Chairs in Computational Systems Biology and Surgery will be presented to the Committee of Professors next week. The primary candidate for the Chair in Genetics has been given an offer.
The search for a Director for the Stem Cell Institute is in progress.
Diversity of the applicant pool for Chairs and Directors. It was suggested that the applicant pools be analyzed to determine whether or not sufficient diversity has been achieved in searches for Chairs and Directors. The Dean pointed out that women as well as men have been represented in the applicant pools, and women have been among the finalists for some positions.
Campus Master Plan: The Oversight Committee for the Campus Master Plan, that includes faculty, students and post docs, has begun to meet.
III. Status of Plastic Surgery. The status of Plastic Surgery, specifically, whether this discipline should be a Division of the Dept. of Surgery or a Department, will be discussed at the next Senate meeting. The group discussed institutional prerogatives in organization of personnel on their payrolls, and faculty rights in the context of clinical faculty who are paid entirely by affiliated institutions yet hold academic appointments at AECOM. The importance of working for the good of the institution(s) was noted.
IV. Introduction of New AECOM Faculty to the academic community: Several (approximately 20) new faculty members will be arriving at AECOM shortly. The group discussed ways to introduce them to current faculty and students on both scholarly and social levels. Introductory sessions including research presentations, poster sessions, symposia and social receptions were suggested. The Dean noted that the new campus website will feature new faculty as well as existing faculty. This website is being developed by Mr. Earle. The Dean’s Office will work on implementation of events for new faculty.
V. Lactation Room. Dr. Burns announced that a lactation room will soon be completed on the Ground Floor of Forchheimer, and he was congratulated by all present for this major contribution to the quality of life at AECOM.
VI. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen M. Weidenheim
Speaker, Faculty Senate