Einstein Senate

Council Meeting: Wednesday, January 9, 2008

PRESENT: Dr. Allen Spiegel, Drs. Robert Burk, Brian Cohen, Anne Etgen, Mark Mehler, Janet Townsend, Mr. William Walsh

EXCUSED: Drs. Barbara Birshtein, Karen Weidenheim

ABSENT: Drs. Edward Burns, Spencer Foreman, Ruth Freeman, Richard Hays, Susan Horwitz, Jeffrey Segall, David Shulkin, Miriam Smith, Mr. Howard Forman


The minutes of the previous Senate Council meeting held on December 19, 2007 were reviewed. Minor corrections were made and approved by the council members.

The proposed slate of members of the search committee for the Director of the Belfer Institute was presented. There was some discussion and the Council approved the proposed membership as listed. Dr. Alan Wolkoff will continue as the director until a suitable candidate has been identified.

The slate for the search committee for the Chair of Ophthalmology was presented. This slate was approved. A search firm has been retained and Dean Spiegel noted that there are many vacant ophthalmology chairs around the country. The search committee will be charged to seek a candidate whose priorities are clinical care, education (undergraduate and graduate) and with a focus on research.


The search committees for the Chairs of both Computational Systems Biology and Genetics are both approaching closure.

Clinical Affiliates. This is a priority of Dean Spiegel and he, together with Dr. Michael Reichgott and Dr. Edward Burns, meet weekly. Dr. Reichgott is preparing a document describing undergraduate education, clinical research, graduate medical education and faculty appointments and promotions.

A small committee has been formed to quantitate faculty teaching efforts in the institution. Dr. Michael Reichgott, Dr. Chris Cimino and Dr. Nadine Katz are in the process of collecting data for this analysis.

The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. to the Faculty Senate meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian L. Cohen, MD

Vice Speaker, Faculty Senate


Last updated, February 5, 2008