Apply For P&F  


The New York Regional Center for Diabetes Translation Research (NY-CDTR) announces the availability of Pilot and  Feasibility (P&F) funding for preliminary studies to support planned extramural funding applications (NIH preferred) for diabetes-related translational research. 

Budget requests can be up to $50,000/year for one-year, or up to $25,000/year for 2 years. Meritorious proposals for $50,000/year for 2 years will also be considered, with a maximum of one such award being granted. A 2nd year of funding is always contingent on progress and available program funding. 

Proposals should use translational research methods such as: implementation or dissemination science, natural  experiment methods, as well as quantitative or qualitative methods. Community and other stakeholder engagement is desirable. Secondary analyses of pertinent data sets are also welcome. 

Applications involving research in diabetes/obesity across the life span, population health and health systems,  or behavioral science and technology are encouraged. Translation research focused on Latinos and social determinants of health is of particular interest. All proposals are expected to address health equity. P&F funds may supplement ongoing funded research projects (e.g., K-awards), but non-overlap must be clearly demonstrated in the proposal. The NY-CDTR website ( provides information on core resources and services available to awardees to support their pilot studies.

The CDTR website provides information re: core resources and services available to awardees to support their pilot study.

ELIGIBILITY: Must hold a faculty appointment at the time of award (postdoctoral fellows are not eligible). 
This program is designed to support (in order of priority): 

  1. New investigators, early-stage investigators (ESIs), and under-represented minority investigators. In this category are investigators shifting from mentor-based research to an independent career. Meritorious proposals from these investigators receive the highest priority for funding.
  2. Established investigators, in other research areas or cross-disciplinary research, who wish to apply their expertise to diabetes or obesity. High-risk, high-reward proposals receive priority
  3. NY-CDTR members who wish to explore a new area of innovative research that constitutes a substantive departure from their previous or ongoing externally funded diabetes research. 

APPLICATION PROCESS. Letters of Intent consisting of a one-paragraph overview of your primary research question and study design are strongly encouraged and should be emailed to the program directors by  April 11th, 2022. Consultations from the directors and NY-CDTR Core Faculty are available to you as you develop your application (Email us!).  Full applications  should be emailed to the program directors by  May 16th, 2022 and must: 1) clearly delineate the rationale and aims of the research; 2) describe rigorous study procedures; 3) include sample size justification and a data analysis plan; 4) describe use of NY-CDTR Core resources; and 5) discuss how the proposed research will support a future application for external funding (NIH preferred). In-kind ongoing consultation and mentorship are available to awardees. Pilot funding may be used to support PI effort at a minimal level (<10%). INDIRECT COSTS ARE NOT ALLOWED

No internal grant forms or approval signatures are needed to submit an application. However, IRB approval is needed for protection of human subjects if the proposal is selected for funding. Required application components are detailed in #9 on the following FAQ page. You are encouraged to identify appropriate reviewers and submit their names and email addresses with your application. Submit the application components as a single Word or PDF document. Please use relevant NIH PHS 398 grant application forms, which can be downloaded from the NIH website: 

Provide these components as a single Word or PDF document. If PDF format is used, also include a copy of the abstract as a Word document. Please use selected NIH PHS 398 grant application forms, which can be downloaded from the NIH website:

Email the P&F Program Directors: Dr. Judith Wylie-Rosett ( and Dr. Shivani Agarwal (

Earliest start date for successful applications: September 1, 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I have to be a current NY-CDTR member to apply?
    A. No, but P&F awardees are generally NY Regional CDTR members or are from institutions at which a NY-CDTR member is based (see: when they are proposing to work in collaboration with or mentored by NY-CDTR members. Thus, proposals will be considered from non-members who apply for membership at the time of submitting their application. 
  2. What NY-CDTR core services are available to support my proposal preparation and research?
    A. You can find the NY-CDTR Core services on our website: These in-kind resources and services can supplement your award. 
  3. What other institutional resources are available?
    A. Institutional resources for facilitating research vary by institution. At Einstein-Montefiore, relevant resources and services for clinical and translational research are described here: 
  4. May I use the funding for biostatistical consultation?
    A. Biostatistical services - Yes, but in-kind limited consultative biostatistical services are available, as feasible, from the NY-CDTR. At Einstein-Montefiore, consultation is also available via Walk-in Statistical Center Consultation Service: Limited funds may also be included for publication fees or travel for a conference presentation.
  5. What about patient care and lab test costs?
    A. Budgets should be developed in accordance with NIH policy regarding patient care costs. See: 
  6. May I include indirect costs for institutional overhead?
    A. NO. Per NY-CDTR policy, indirect costs (IDC) are not allowable for these limited pilot funds. If your administrator has IDC questions, please refer them to
  7. Is it OK for there to be multiple PIs for pilot funding? 
    A. Yes, if an early-stage or mid-career investigator is working with another investigator in, e.g., a team science model, then an MPI situation may be acceptable. Please query the P&F program directors to check on appropriate PI models. Please keep in mind the limited funding for investigator salary support.
  8. What if I have a K award on a similar topic? 
    A. Your proposal should include a clear explanation of how the pilot funding supports a different aspect not covered by your K-award. There must be NO overlap. 
  9. What format should I use for my P&F proposal?  
    A. The proposal should be on the NIH 398 template and include: 1) Abstract2) Specific Aims (1 page max); 3)Research Approach (5 pages max) should address Significance (rationale), Innovation, Study Procedures, Sample Size Justification and Data Analysis Plan, Planned Use of NY-CDTR Core Resources, Study Timeline, and How Proposed Research Will Support Future Funding Application (NIH preferred); 4) Literature Cited5) Detailed Budget; 6) Budget Justification; 7) NIH Biosketches and Other Support for all key personnel; 8) Brief Status Statement on whether you qualify for any of the following designations: a) new investigator status, b) early stage investigator status, c) underrepresented in diabetes translation research (See: and 
  10. What else is required of me if my proposal is selected for NY-CDTR P&F grant funding?    
    A. The NIH NIDDK requirements for and the NI H definition of a clinical trial in human subjects (HS) for non-exempt available at: Tasks to be completed with support of the CDTR during the first 4 months of   funding include: Obtaining IRB approval prior to award; Applying for necessary Data Use Agreements prior to award, if applicable; Developing a Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (if applicable, model will be provided); Creating a milestones chart to monitor study progress (model will be provided); Registering the study on, if applicable; and Submitting planned enrollment and inclusion data in the NIH System.