Catalytic Pilot grants awarded previously
PI (Institution)Title
Eva Billerbeck (Einstein)Development of an immune-competent HIV-HCV co-infection mouse model
Teresa Evering (Rockefeller)A single-cell transcriptomics approach for biomarker discovery in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders
Kerry Murphy (Einstein)(Ig)-SEQ to identify coating of vaginal bacteria in Bacterial Vaginosis and its link to inflammation
Christian Gaebler (Rockefeller)Characterization of the intact HIV-1 latent reservoir by Real-Time PCR using combinations of HIV-1 specific hydrolysis probes
Teresa Evering (Rockefeller)Transcriptional profiling of participant-derived primary human dermal fibroblasts in studies of HIV and aging
Kathrine Meyers (Rockefeller)Evaluating A Smarter Sex: Anal pleasure and health in China: An implementation science study of stigma reduction 
for health workers
Adebola Adedimeji (Rockefeller)Enhancing PrEP access and implementation among men who have sex with men in Rwanda
Deepika Slawek (Einstein)Pain and inflammation in people living with HIV using medical cannabis
Hongbin Zhang (CUNY)Causal impact of Treat-all policy on long-term HIV care cascade - Scrutinizing causal inference methods for use with 
real-world implementation data, a roadmap to NIH K01
Jonathon Ross (Einstein)CBO-PrEP: Piloting community-based telehealth to increase PrEP uptake among Latino MSM
Hyunah Yoon (Einstein)Designing guidelines for Cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) screening in HIV-positive patients who are non-adherent to 
antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the Bronx
Ching-Lan Lu (Rockefeller)High Throughput Characterization of HIV-1 Latent Reservoir in Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)-Suppressed Patients
Kathrine Meyers (Rockefeller)Perceptions, Beliefs, and Experiences of Novel HIV Prevention and Treatment Modalities among Clinical Trial 
Participants and Staff
Yehuda Cohen (Rockefeller)Neutralizing activity of broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibodies against PBMC-derived circulating isolates
Mariya Masyukova (Einstein)Overdose involving cocaine or crystal methamphetamine in people living with HIV and others at risk: risk environments 
and healthcare utilization
Aaron S. Breslow (Einstein)e-SMART/EST Telehealth Intervention to Reduce Depression in Older Women with HIV