Human MRI (3 Tesla laboratory):
For physiological monitoring, there is an InVivo (Orlando, Fl) 3155 Millennia Vital Signs Monitor and Transmit system. For stimulus delivery, there are both Resonance Technology (Northridge, CA) Digital Visa Stim Goggle System with eye tracking and software, and an In Vivo ESys LCD system and an SMI IViewX MRI-LR eye-tacking system. In addition, an Avotec Audio System is installed for audio stimulus delivery, and a Cedrus digital system for hand input. For stimulus delivery, both Presentation and E-Prime are available on a PC adjoining the MRI facility as well as on a development computer. MEDRAD Spectris Solaris injector and two MEDRAD infusion pumps are available for fluid infusion within the MRI room. A MRI compatible wheel chair, transport bed and IV poles are available.

3.0 T MRI/MRS:
A Philips 3.0 Tesla Achieva Quasar TX multinuclear MRI/MRS system was installed in July, 2009. This “Short Bore” 3.0T is equipped with Dual Quasar High Performance Gradient System, thirty two channel broadband digital RF system, RapidView reconstructor, Intera Achieva ScanTools Pro R2.5 Package, NetForum and ExamCards and SENSE parallel imaging capability.
Our RF coils include a Quadrature T/R Head Coil, SENSE dual channel Body Coil, 8 and 32 channel SENSE Head Coils, a 32 channel SENSE Cardiac / Torso coil, a 16 channel SENSE Head/Spine Coil, 16 channel SENSE Breast Coil, 16 channel SENSE XL Torso coil, SENSE Knee Coil, SENSE Shoulder Coil, SENSE Wrist Coil and a SENSE Flex coil.
The head, breast, torso and cardiac coils are all compatible with SENSE MULTI-TRANSMIT Imaging for optimal RF homogeneity and reduced SAR.
Available for post processing is an extended MR Workspace Workstation, Fibertrak Specialist Package, BOLD Specialist Package, Spectroscopy Specialist Package and the Multi-Nuclear Spectro Specialist Package.
Two wireless (RF) Physiological acquisition and display systems are available (Philips ECG, pulse ox and respiratory rate for gating, and an InVivo PRECES Patient Management System), along with two MR Audio and Visual Display Systems (The InVivo ESYS Entertainment System and functional imaging system with with high resolution LCD screen and a Resonance Technology VisuaStimDigital with funclab, Eye Tracking and button/keypad input devices). Available for MR compatible infusions is a Medrad Spectris Solaris MRI Injector, an Invivo dual infusion pump system.