Montefiore Health Opportunities Program (Monte-HOP) promotes, educates and encourages underserved youth to pursue careers within the health fields. Students will gain valuable knowledge and professional skills through interactive workshops, mentorship by physicians, observation of physician-patient interactions, lecture activities and independent learning.
Specific Program Activities:
- Participate in interactive health-related workshops (suturing, casting, etc.)
- Visit health-related organizations throughout New York City (March of Dimes, Morris Heights Birthing Center, NYC Department of Health, etc.)
- Observe patient-physician interactions and gain knowledge about the medical interview
- Develop and refine professional skills to pursue a career in a healthrelated field (resume development, interviewing skills, written healthaper, project presentation, etc.)
Must be a US citizen or a Permanent Resident
Students from disadvantaged backgrounds and who are from groups underrepresented in health fields will be considered.
Graduating High School Senior or College Freshman/Sophomore (ages 16–25)
Able to commute easily to program sites independently (commuter program, no housing available)
Application: Application process starts in January and submission deadline is March. Please visit our website for more information. Application can be found on program (website)
Other: Students are stipend funded for their participation, as funding is available.