The Graduate Division provides an extremely collegial and mentored training experience where you will work personally with advisers at the cutting-edge of disease-relevant research in areas such as genomics/proteomics, stem cell biology, cancer biology, and vaccine development.

A great feature of the graduate program is its breadth. Graduate students at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine often undertake interdisciplinary projects which draw on the scientific expertise of faculty in the basic science and clinical departments, resulting in faculty and senior graduate students publishing widely and having their work often cited both in professional journals and and in the news.

First Year

The Graduate program begins in mid-August with a week-long orientation period which will acquaint you with your fellow graduate students, the institution, its facilities, and the highlights of life in New York City.

You will then begin course work and a series of laboratory rotations. The laboratory rotations serve to introduce you to a wide variety of scientific problems and the types of approaches used to investigate these problems. These laboratory rotations will help you to identify a laboratory in which to carry out your dissertation research under the mentorship of a faculty advisor.

Thesis Research

The Julius Marmur SymposiumOnce a thesis laboratory is chosen (usually at the end of the first year), you enter the department of your mentor. The Sue Golding Graduate Division is composed of the ten basic science departments that are accredited by the State of New York to confer the Ph.D. degree. Faculty holding primary or secondary appointments in one of these departments may sponsor a Ph.D. candidate. At the Albert Einstein College of Medicine there are also constant formal and informal opportunities for you to interact with faculty and students from all of the different departments as well as the larger scientific community. It is this collegial environment that makes the Albert Einstein College of Medicine the ideal place to prepare for an outstanding career in biomedical research.

More information about our seminars can be viewed at our Events Calendar. Exciting research developments and kudos for our students and faculty can be found in the Albert Einstein College of Medicine's news and publications.

Specific Department of Genetics Requirements

Each department at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has specific requirements. Students in the Department of Genetics are currently required to take Graduate Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics and four other courses, one of which must be a core course. The elective courses are selected in consultation with the student's advisor and advisory committee. The Qualifying Examination is to be taken during the second year, in accordance with the guidelines established by the Sue Golding Graduate Division. Senior students who are in their third year of study and beyond are expected to participate in the departmental work-in-progress series. All members of the department are expected to attend the work-in-progress series and the departmental seminar series. A formal public seminar is required upon completion of the thesis research. Click here for a complete guide to academic policies and guidelines.

Stipend, Tuition Remission, and Benefits

If you are accepted, you will receive full tuition remission, a generous stipend ($28,000 in 2008) and a benefits package that helps make Albert Einstein College of Medicine a great place to be, in or out of the laboratory. To learn more about the benefits of student life at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, click here.


If you are interested in obtaining training that will prepare you for an exciting career in the ever-expanding world of biomedical research then inquire about the graduate program at the Sue Golding Graduate Division of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Already thinking of applying? Prospective students apply directly to the Sue Golding Graduate Division, rather than to individual departments, for admission.