Montefiore Einstein Home ... Albert Einstein College of Medicine Academic Departments Microbiology and Immunology Research Protozoan Physiology and Pathogenesis Back to Research Research Research Bacterial Physiology and Pathogenesis Fungal Physiology and Pathogenesis Protozoan Physiology and Pathogenesis Virology and Viral Pathogenesis Molecular Genetics of Retroviral Diseases Immunobiology Autoimmnue Diseases Translational and Clinical Microbiology and Immunology Vaccines and Therapeutics Bacterial Physiology and Pathogenesis Fungal Physiology and Pathogenesis Protozoan Physiology and Pathogenesis Virology and Viral Pathogenesis Molecular Genetics of Retroviral Diseases Immunobiology Autoimmnue Diseases Translational and Clinical Microbiology and Immunology Vaccines and Therapeutics Protozoan Physiology and Pathogenesis Infectious Disease Johanna P. Daily, M.D., M.S. Professor, Department of Medicine Full Profile