718.430.3142 Daytime (7am-3pm)
347.920.0847 Emergency (after hours)
We sincerely thank you for your interest in the Anatomical Donation Program of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Your generous gift will truly make a difference in the education of our students, and will positively impact not only their learning, but the care of their future patients.
Enclosed please find detailed information about our policies and procedures along with several forms that must be completed for enrollment in our program. Please compete these forms and return them via mail, email or fax using the contact information above. Once we receive your documentation, you will receive a letter of confirmation, two copies of the completed “Registry of Intent for Whole Body Anatomical Donation” and a donor wallet card, which should be carried with you at all times.
We are always available to answer your questions and our Program Supervisor can be contacted at 718-430-3142.
Please thoroughly complete, sign, and return the forms listed below to the address on the header.
- “Registry of Intent for Whole Body Anatomical Donation”—indicates your intent to be an anatomical donor. We will return two copies; one for your records and one for your next of kin.
- “Donor Statistical Information Form”—provides us with information needed to meet our compliance standards and complete the death certificate application (when needed).
Be advised that the completion and submission of the “Registry of Intent” does not constitute a legal contract. The intent to donate one’s body after death is taken as an expression of one’s personal wishes: you are simply making a prior arrangement (not commitment) with an institution that is able to comply with these wishes. We recommend that you advise your immediate next of kin of your wishes for anatomical donation.
Again, thank you for your interest in donating to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The need for anatomical donations is great, and each gift is valued and honored.
Priti L. Mishall, MD, PG CertMedEd, MBBS
Program Director
Types of Donations
There are two different types of anatomical gifts: the Living Gift and a Deceased’s Donation by the next of kin or Estate. Both types of donations are subject to conditions:
- Upon receipt, the remains will be kept by the College for a minimum of two years and may be utilized for up to three.
- The College has the right to decline the donation if, upon inspection, the remains are not suitable for use in medical education or research. A final determination of acceptability will be made at the time the College’s representative arrives to transport the remains to the College.
- The College will pay for collecting and transporting the remains so long as they are located in the State of New York no further than one hundred miles from the College.
The Program’s full Acceptance Policy is included as the last page in each of the two downloadable donation packets that follow.
Living Gift Donation
An individual who wishes to enroll in our donation program should download the PDF forms using the link at the end of this section. Enrollment requires that the Donor be physically and legally able to sign these documents indicating his or her decision to join the body donation program.
The completed and signed original forms must then be mailed to:
Anatomical Donation Program
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Forchheimer Building Room 627N
1300 Morris Park Ave
Bronx, NY 10461-1900
To insure that your donation wishes are known and honored, we urge everyone enrolling to include the following statement in his or her Last Will and Testament:
I hereby direct that after my death, my body shall be delivered to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine for purposes of medical education and/or research. I further direct that my body will be delivered to said medical school as soon as possible after my death without autopsy or embalming.”
We also highly recommend that you inform your next of kin and family of your decision, give a copy of these signed forms to your next of kin or Executor of your Estate, and make those who will be responsible for carrying out your wishes aware of the conditions associated with your gift to Einstein’s Anatomical Donation Program.
Donation of a Deceased’s Remains
If the deceased individual is already enrolled in our Program, there is no need to complete these forms. Please immediately both CALL and EMAIL the Donation Program. We will return your call and make arrangements to receive and transport the remains to the College as soon as possible.
718.430.3142 Daytime (7am-3pm)
347.920.0847 Emergency (after hours)
If the deceased is not enrolled in our donation program and you are the next of kin, the Executor of the Estate, or have power of attorney for an individual who wishes to leave his or her body to medical education and research then you must download the PDF forms using the link at the end of this section.
Please note these forms are to be completed by the next of kin or the Executor of the Estate as soon as possible and FAXED or EMAILED to the Anatomical Donation Program.
Receipt of these signed forms is necessary for us to complete the required paperwork and obtain the certificates and permit that allow us to transport the remains to the College.
The signed original forms must also be mailed to:
Anatomical Donation Program
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Forchheimer Building Room 627N
1300 Morris Park Ave
Bronx, NY 10461-1900
![Download anatomical donation forms]()