Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011
The February minutes were approved.

Dean’s Report
Dean Allen Spiegel urged the Faculty Recognition Nominating Committee, chaired by John Blanchard, to offer nominees from Einstein for the various annual awards given by the Association of American Medical Colleges.  He also discussed the impact of the New York State budget on Einstein.

Speaker’s Report
Senate Speaker Jeff Segall announced that he would be delivering a presentation as Speaker of the Senate to the Board of Overseers at their May meeting and that he welcomes suggestions for items to include.  He also noted that proposed changes to the promotion tracks will not be implemented or further discussed at this time.  Also announced was that the scientific director of the New York Structural Biology Consortium, David Cowburn, has now joined Einstein.    

Committee on Committees
There was nothing to report.

Jonathan Backer:  Report from the Professors Promotions Committee
Jon Backer, Professor in Molecular Pharmacology, summarized the results from the previous year’s Professors Promotions Committee, which he now chairs.

Jed Shivers:  Effort Reporting on Sponsored Projects
Jed Shivers, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, delivered a presentation on a new computerized effort reporting system that will go live shortly.  The system will ensure that those certifying effort have suitable means of verification.  Administrators will assist principal investigators with the certification process as needed.  It was also noted that a product from SunGard will soon be implemented to replace the current general ledger system.  The new system will allow principal investigators to easily determine how much they have spent from a given grant and exactly what their financial position is.