Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The April minutes were approved.

Dean’s Report
Dean Allen Spiegel was unable to attend the meeting.  The Dean’s report was delivered by Executive Dean Ed Burns who summarized the several Chair searches that are in progress.  He also shared his view of the financial health of our institution. 

Speaker’s Report
Senate Speaker Jeff Segall announced plans to create a faculty-based committee that would work to stimulate new and productive collaborations among Einstein faculty.  He also announced that Senate dues would be collected in the near future.    

Committee on Committees
Vinayaka Prasad, Chair of the Committee on Committees, informed the Senate that there was nothing to report. 

Gordon Earle:  Einstein web launch update
Gordon Earle, Associate Dean, Public Affairs and Communications, provided an update on the launch of the new Einstein website. 

Jed Shivers:  Banner implementation project
Jed Shivers, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, described the progress that has been made toward the implementation of the Banner system.