Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, October 1, 2014
The Chair of the Committee on Committees, Dr. Maureen Charron, proposed members for this year’s Professors and this year’s Associate Professors Promotions Committee. The lists were approved. The Chair then presented a list of volunteers for the Einstein-Montefiore transition committees.
However it was pointed out that the committee categories have yet to be finalized.
The Parliamentarian, Dr. Todd Olson, presided over election of the Einstein Senate officers. All the present officers were reelected by general consent. Nancy Glassman explained the necessity for research publications to be deposited into PubMed Central to avoid subsequent awards being placed on hold. The library would help in this process.
Dean Spiegel reiterated the need for a new tenure and compensation policy; Dr. Scott Emmons outlined the changes that the Tenure and Compensation Committee made since the policy was last presented to the Faculty. A discussion followed.