Einstein Senate

Senate Meeting: Wednesday, June 1, 2016

After approval of the Minutes, Dr. Allen Spiegel gave his Dean’s report. He informed on the Einstein’s Women’s Division Annual Spirit of Achievement event and on the Einstein Board of Trustees meeting where 12 faculty members were approved for tenure. Dean Spiegel also reported on tenured faculty members that have received salary reduction. He also mentioned that a short version of the strategic plan is now posted on the website.

In his Speaker’s Report, Dr. Jeffrey Segall reported on two Council and one Board of Trustees’ meetings. One Council meeting was about enhancing synergies with Montefiore, a presentation given by Harry Shamoon the head of ICTR. The other Council meeting was about the graduate program, summarized by Vici Freedman. At the Board of Trustees meeting, Dr. Segall summarized the accomplishments made with respect to the strategic plan and the ongoing updates to the tenure and compensation policy.

Dr. Kelvin Davies, the Chair of the Committee on Committees, reiterated that the Committee on Committees itself is short two members and encouraged faculty to volunteer for these positions, so the Senate can vote on new members.

Dr. Martha Grayson, the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, gave a presentation describing the curricular reform process that Einstein is undertaking.