Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, October 10, 2018
After approval of the Minutes, Dr. Elyse Sussman read the Dean’s report, since Dean Tomaselli was unable to be present. Major points were the announcement of Dr. Tarquinio as the new associate dean for administration and finance, updates on the degree granting status, and the formation of an IT task force to assist a consulting team that’s being hired.
Dr. Elyse Sussman gave the Speaker’s report, reporting on two council meetings.
Next, elections were held to approve the rosters of the committees on appointments and promotions, and to nominate Ellie Schoenbaum to the faculty review committee, Solomon Moshe as the parliamentarian, Jeff Segall as the senate speaker, Elyse Sussman as the vice-speaker, Antonio Di Cristofano as the secretary and Matt Gamble as the treasurer.
Finally, Dr. Sussman announced and explained the mechanism for the upcoming elections to the senate council.
Mr. Shailesh Shenoy updated the senate on available software licensed for use by the Einstein community, and then answered questions on IT issues.