Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, November 1, 2023
- Dr. Tomer gave the Dean's Report, which discussed Einstein's response to the events in the Middle East; updates related to LCME; resumption of the shuttle; new tenured professors and chair appointments; and the introduction of weekly Dean's Office Hours.
- Dr. Holden provided a report on the activities of the DEI office. The updates included currently open positions and the formation of action committee to implement a variety of projects. She then handed over the report to Dr. Meholli, who outlined the history and purpose of the Racial and Social Trauma Protocol, as well as plans to update it in response to the recent situation in the Middle East.
- Dr. Arnsten gave the Speaker's Report and provided updates on the most recent Senate Council meetings, which focused on the ad hoc Gender Equality Committee, the clinical educator promotion track, and maintaining a sense of peace on campus despite international events. She also updated the Senate on proposed new members for the Committees on Appointments and Promotions and the Seeds for Collaboration event scheduled for Thursday, November 16th.
- Dr. Diaz-Griffero oversaw a report from the Committee on Committees. He indicated that the remote software management concerns brought up at the last Senate meeting are still being investigated. In addition, Jeff Segall was approved as the Parliamentarian for the next elections. There was also a special report from Dr. Bresnick regarding postdoctoral housing.
- Dr. Cassese gave an in-depth update on the progress toward meeting all of the LCME standards. The elements have been divided into three main categories - central administration, medical education, and student affairs – each of which is being addressed by a dedicated group. He went on to explain the future milestones for the LCME process at Einstein.
- Dr. Suadicani talked about the ICTR/CTSA Translational Science pilot project program, including what the awards include, how the process will work, and how translational science versus translational research are defined.
- Finally, the Senate approved the proposed slate of Senate officers for 2024: Julia Arnsten as Speaker, Matt Gamble as Vice Speaker, Caroline Delbourgo Patton as Secretary, and Lindsay Lafave as Treasurer.
- There was no additional old or new business at this meeting.