Einstein Senate
Senate Meeting: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Dr. Tomer presented the Dean’s Report. He discussed the need to update the information on three committees in the appendix to the bylaws to comply with LCME. Dr. Tomer read the text and then the Senate voted to approve the changes via Poll Everywhere. The results were 77 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. A second vote will be taken at the July meeting. Dr. Tomer also reported on the appointment of Dr. Marla Keller as the new Executive Dean and Dr. Yoon Kang as Vice Dean for Education. He thanked Dr. Ed Burns, the outgoing Executive Dean for his service to the college. Finally, Einstein was recently selected by Chronicle for Higher Education as one of the 2024 Great Colleges to Work For.
Dr. Arnsten gave the Speaker’s Report. The recent Senate Council meetings focused on the changes to the appendix to the bylaws and the topics raised in the Dean’s Report to the Council. There also was a Board of Trustees meeting. Dr. Arnsten likewise thanked Dr. Burns and praised the positive impact he has had on the careers of many at Einstein.
Dr. Elizabeth Kitsis provided an update on the Strategic Plan. She walked through the process up to this point, including developing a current state analysis based on input from many different people and constituencies; creating a framework that defines the vision, missing, values, and strategic directions; and now preparing the plan for presentation to the Board in July and implementation. To gather input from the Einstein community, there will be a poster session during the week of June 24th to 28th and a QR code to facilitate submission of feedback.
Drs. Lynn Holden reported on behalf of the Office of Diversity Enhancement. She discussed early enhancement programs; summer activities, including graduation for the EMT program with Bronx Hope; the Bridge to Medical School Program; and a partnership with Bard High School. She also announced open positions.
Caroline Delbourgo Patton talked about the ongoing renovation of the library. She explained where the books are and emphasized the continued availability of the staff and library services.
Dr. Arnsten provided a brief update regarding the Ad Hoc Backup Childcare Committee. Members of the committee met with the Montefiore Human Resources Office, which is strongly considering including childcare as part of the 2025 benefits strategy.
There was no additional old or new business at this meeting..