Instituto de Investigación del Envejecimiento

Jill Crandall, MD


Dr. Jill Crandall is Director of the Diabetes Clinical Trials Unit and principal investigator for the Einstein sites of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Outcomes Study and the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications study. She leads the Einstein affiliated efforts in prevention of T2DM in the elderly in the DPP, a clinical trial of lifestyle modification (ILS) versus metformin to prevent type 2 diabetes, (a study in which 20% of the cohort was age 60y and over) (J Gerontol. 2006).  

Dr. Crandall’s current and future research efforts involve the following: 

  • Heart Risk in Older Adults with Diabetes, specifically the relationship between age-related changes in glucose metabolism and changes in cardiovascular risk markers. Dr. Crandall is now investigating the effects of Sirt1 activating drugs on glucose intolerance and endothelial function of the elderly with postprandial hyperglycemia.  
  • Recruitment, phenotyping and follow-up of a large cohort of elderly subjects with parental longevity. Dr. Crandall has a leadership role in relating longevity genes to the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance and to the end points of CVD.