Further words regarding MRRC User Safety
The MRRC is charged with ensuring the safe and appropriate use of MRRC equipment. As such, the MRRC will ensure that all investigators, as well as their students, assistants or collaborators who will enter the first floor of the MRRC understand the safety issues associated with MRI instrumentation. The MRRC provides access to an online safety course and attestation that the relevant materials have been read and will be complied with. Additionally, all users must complete an MRI ‘screening’ form to ensure that they may enter the magnetic field safely. Finally, the MRRC will ensure that all users attest to having an appropriately approved animal use (IACUC) or human institutional review board (IRB/CCI) protocol prior to beginning their MRRC approved studies. The CCI consent templates contain all necessary MRI language. CCI/IRB consent templates can be found here and here. Approval of MRRC use applications will only be provided following completion of the safety steps and personal delivery of the screening form and safety completion certificate to designated MRRC staff (MRI technician or other designated MRRC faculty).
MRI Safety Policy