Community Health

Community Health Worker Institute
The Community Health Worker Institute (CHWI) strives to improve health equity by optimizing community health worker integration within clinical care teams. Community health workers are a bridge between social and clinical care and serve as an invaluable workforce for health systems. Using embedded implementation science, the CHWI aims to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of community health workers as an innovative workforce solution to address adverse social determinants of health, improve access to healthcare for disadvantaged populations, and provide Bronx-based households with sustainable employment opportunities.
Kevin Fiori, MD, MPH, MSc, FAAP
Director, Community Health Worker Institute, Montefiore Medical Center

Renee Whiskey-Lalanne, MPH, MCHES, AE-C
Associate Director, Community Health Worker Institute, Montefiore Medical Center
Promoting Community Engagement & Collaboration Across the Research Spectrum
The Community & Collaboration Core, in alliance with the ICTR's Health Research Implementation Core, enhances community engagement with research that impacts health care. Key partners in this work include The Bronx Health Link, the Bronx Community Research Review Board, and the Community Engagement Research Academy [links below]. Spanish translation services are available through the C & C Core.
ICTR | Bronx Community Research Review Board | Bronx Health | Montefiore Einstein Institute for Clinical & Translational Research Community Engaged Research Academy
A. H. Strelnick, M.D.
Chief, Division of Community Health
Project Co-Director, Bronx Healthy Start Partnership
Einstein Community Health Outreach (ECHO) Clinic, Montefiore Medical Center
Developing Future Physicians and Health Care Provider
Bronx Community Health Leaders
The Bronx Community Health Leaders aim to create a peer support group for college and post-college students that facilitates networking, provides guidance and mentoring, engages in community service, and helps develop the leadership skills essential to becoming a health care provider.
Link to Bronx community health leaders
Juan Robles, M.D.
Director, Montefiore Medical Group
Bronx HOPE
Bronx Health Opportunities Partnership-Einstein (Bronx HOPE) supports underserved, economically and educationally disadvantaged students in middle school to post-college in pursuing and succeeding in rigorous academic programs in the health professions. Each year, Bronx HOPE's pipeline model supports over 330 students' progress to higher academic levels.
Cara Stephenson-Hunter, Ph.D.
Program Director & Assistant Professor
Bronx HOPE
The Montefiore Health Opportunities Program (Monte-HOP) is a summer enrichment program for high school graduates and early college students interested in health careers who come from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. The program is also open to individuals typically considered underrepresented in the health care industry.
Jenna Scholnick, M.D.
Monte-HOP Director, Montefiore Medical Center
The Community-Based Service Learning Program
Community Based Service Learning Program (CBSL) offers direct service-learning opportunities for medical and graduate students who wish to engage with the Bronx community and have an impact on health and social justice issues. CBSL provides early career exposure via experiential education, trainings, workshops and seminars to develop leadership and community engagement skills.
Heather Archer-Dyer, M.P.H.
Director of Community Health Outreach
Liaison to We Engage in Prevention Awareness (WEPA) Board of Directors
Einstein Community Health Outreach (ECHO) Clinic
(Student-run Clinic)
The Einstein Community Health Outreach (ECHO) Clinic is a collaboration between Einstein and the Institute for Family Health. Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2019, the ECHO clinic provides free, high-quality, comprehensive health care to the uninsured population of the Bronx and New York City. The ECHO Free Clinic embraces the spirit of volunteerism and service embodied in our health care professionals and student volunteers.
Preventing Infant & Maternal Mortality & Morbidity
The Bronx Healthy Start program works to ensure that expecting and postpartum moms and babies up to the age of two are healthy, safe, and thriving. Healthy Start Program uses case management as the core service connecting mothers and their families to free and confidential screening and referral to medical services, educational and infant care resources, and voluntary home visitation. A federally-funded program, Healthy Start seeks to reduce disparities for women, children and families.
Alma Idehen, MSEd
Program Manager
Bronx Healthy Start Partnership