Division of Cardiology

Diagnosis and Treatment

Montefiore Einstein’s arrhythmia specialists provide comprehensive, non-invasive diagnostic testing and innovative treatment for heart rhythm abnormalities. All testing and treatment is conducted with utmost commitment to patients comfort.

All contemporary diagnostic and therapeutic electrophysiology (EP) procedures are performed at Montefiore Medical Center.

Diagnostic Testing Services

Testing methods for heart arrhythmias include:

  • Tilt-table and procainamide infusion stress tests
  • Holter monitor
  • loop recorder
  • electrophysiology (EP) studies
  • T-wave alternans
  • Signal-averaged ECGs (SAECG)
  • Heart rate variability
Treatment Technologies

Treatment devices for cardiac arrhythmias include:

  1. Pacemaker: A cardiac pacemaker, used to treat slow pulse, is a small, complex, physiologically responsive device implanted near the collar bone to monitor the heart beat and emit an electrical impulse when the beat slows beyond an acceptable level.
  2. Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD): The ICD, used to treat ventricular arrhythmias, is a small device implanted near the collarbone and programmed with an acceptable heart beat speed. When the heart beats faster than the programmed level, the ICD emits rapid pacing or a small shock to slow the heart. ICDs are used to treat patients who have suffered cardiac arrest, and prophylactically in patients known to be at high risk for cardiac arrest due to ventricular arrhythmia.

    Some ICDs come with a monitor that is placed at the patient’s bedside. When the patient comes within 10 feet, the monitor interrogates the device and automatically transmits reports of abnormal ventricular activity the patient’s physician. This technology enables patients with ICDs to travel and still receive appropriately advised medical treatment if necessary.
  3. Ablation: Arrhythmias detected as originating from a specific point in the heart may be corrected by ablation, a procedure in which the cardiologist directs electrical or freezing energy through a catheter to  remove the problem area, thereby curing the arrhythmia.
  4. Arrhythmia Surgery: Montefiore Einstein's arrhythmia specialists work closely with cardiothoracic surgeons in performing surgeries including the Maze procedure and endomyocardial stripping for the control of several arrhythmias.
Patient Comfort

Montefiore Einstein’s heart arrhythmia team makes every effort to ensure each patient’s comfort throughout testing and treatment. Comfort measures include sedation, surface and intravenous (IV) painkillers, and close monitoring by dedicated nursing staff throughout the procedure.

Montefiore Einstein’s physicians and nurses conduct post-procedure interviews with each patient and refine their protocol to address any reported issues. This commitment to patient comfort has resulted in high patient satisfaction with procedures in the arrhythmia laboratory.