Division of Cardiology

CHF and Heart Transplant Research

Montefiore Einstein’s cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery faculty members conduct clinical research to broaden understanding and provide innovative treatment options for patients living with heart disease.

Montefiore Einstein’s expansive clinical research program include numerous studies and dedicated research staff to accompany each of the current treatment options offered to heart failure patients, as well as novel treatment methods under evaluation for U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.

Each patient referred to Montefiore Einstein’s treatment is evaluated and, where appropriate, recommended for participation in a clinical trial.

Current Investigations
  • Cardiac Assist Device Research: Significant advances in heart pump technology is offering the promise of smaller more durable assist devices for long term cardiac support. Montefiore Einstein is recognized as a leading center in the United States for research utilizing the new second and third generation continuous flow heart pumps for bridge-to-transplant and destination therapy.  
  • Cardiac Recovery: Recognizing the critical lack of donor organs available to heart transplant candidates, Montefiore Einstein researchers are spearheading an intiative to use heart pumps to promote healing of the failing heart. Working with the FDA, our investigators are using a novel drug administered during VAD support, to improve heart muscle strength with the goal of explantation of the device without the need for transplantation. Additional protocols will investigate the use of stem cells administered during VAD support to promote cardiac recovery.
  • Body Building for Heart Failure: Improving exercise performance is a primary goal of treatment in patients with heart failure. As the heart fails, muscle strength and function becomes impaired. Therapies that enhance muscle strength and endurance will be important for this patient population. Employing strategies used in training athletes, investigators at Montefiore Einstein are studying a novel body-building drug for heart failure patients. A second unique athletic protocol is examining the benefits of simulated high altitude training to improve exercise capacity in heart failure.