Division of Hematology

Faculty Interesting Case Conference

This conference is held approximately biweekly on Friday mornings. Dr. Chaitowitz is the Case Discussion Leader.

Educational Purpose 

There are two objectives for this conference

  • To supplement our fellows’ clinical experience with cases that represent diseases or complications of hematological diseases that are rare enough that they will be seen only several times during a hematologist’s career.
  • To use “Case Method Teaching” as a “learner-centered” teaching technique, providing fellows with the case to analyze and medical references to read prior to the conference.

Principal Teaching Method 

A case study - ‘clinical problem solving’ format is utilized. Initial data regarding a real clinical scenario, as well as several relevant ‘learning objectives’, are distributed prior to the conference, and fellow are asked to prepare a discussion of the case in the form of a ‘consult’. The fellows then meet to discuss the case, with Dr. Chaitowitz serving as the discussion leader. 

Most Important Educational Content 

Each of these cases represents an example of an unusual hematological disorder presenting as a common hematological clinical problem. Fellows are expected to read up on the general topic, and will be challenged to demonstrate their analytical and diagnostic skills, to present an appropriate differential diagnosis, and a practical and rational plan of investigation and management. These cases have been selected to encourage participants to recall that while common things occur commonly, rare things will go undiagnosed if not considered in the initial evaluation of a problem.

Site’s Resources 

Dr. Friedman has a series of patients that she has cared for which are used for these conferences. Blood smears, bone marrow samples, and a variety of other primary materials have been saved and will be part of the case materials used for the conference.


Full Calendar  

Contact Us

Division of Hematology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus
Ullmann 921
Bronx, NY 10461

Fax: 718-430-8855

Montefiore Medical Center
3411 Wayne Avenue, Ground Floor
Bronx, NY 10467

Fax: 718-882-8698