Division of Hematology

Hematopathology Conference

Hematology fellows and pathology residents attend this conference twice a month.

Educational Purpose 

  • To expose hematology trainees to biopsy material (lymph nodes, bone marrow, other tissue) at the microscope on a weekly basis in order to review the pathologic approach to hematological diagnosis.
  • To demonstrate how specialized techniques (i.e. immunostaining, flow cytometry, etc) are utilized to enhance precision of diagnosis.
  • To supplement the trainees personal experience with cases from other physicians and services within in the hospital to provide them with the opportunity to see a wide variety of disorders.
  • To provide trainees with a forum to discuss the approach of hematopathologists to the diagnosis of hematological disorders.
  • To correlate bone marrow smears with bone marrow biopsies

Principal Teaching Method 

Case-based teaching is conducted by Dr. Ratech (a Hematopathologist) at a 16-headed microscope to review all of the interesting hematopathology cases of the past week. Approximately 5-6 cases are reviewed at each session. Material includes bone marrow aspirates and biopsies, lymph nodes, and selected extra-nodal tissues, which demonstrate a broad range of hematological pathology and hematological malignancies. Each case is selected to review the approach to pathologic diagnosis, utilizing H and E and a variety of immunohistochemical stains. During the course of the year, fellows are exposed to sophisticated techniques to diagnose Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Acute and Chronic Leukemias, Myeloma, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Myeloproliferative Disorders, and a variety of infections and tumors involving the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Case material is frequently presented form the time of the original diagnosis, through remissions and relapses.

Most Important Educational Content 

Exposure to a wide variety of hematological disorders through the examination of pathologic specimens at a multiheaded microscope with a hematopathologist to discuss each case.

Site’s Resources 

The Surgical Pathology laboratory at Montefiore-Moses has a 16-headed microscope with attached TV monitor that is used for this conference. Dr. Ratech and the pathology resident select the most interesting cases from the previous week including cases from Hematology and Oncology full-time and voluntary faculty. Additional test results from the Molecular Cytogenetics Lab or the Molecular Diagnostics lab are presented as is appropriate for each case.


Full Calendar  

Contact Us

Division of Hematology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus
Ullmann 921
Bronx, NY 10461

Fax: 718-430-8855

Montefiore Medical Center
3411 Wayne Avenue, Ground Floor
Bronx, NY 10467

Fax: 718-882-8698