Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program
The Montefiore Einstein Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program is a 2-year clinical and research training experience at its core. Montefiore Einstein’s ID fellowship is one of the largest of
its kind in New York City and the United States. A 3rd year intensive research opportunity is available to eligible fellows wishing to pursue a career dedicated to clinical, translational,
or laboratory research under the mentorship of a funded investigator on faculty at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Five fellows are accepted to the program each year. Completed applications must be submitted via Electronic Residency Application Program. We welcome applicants from diverse racial, ethnic, color, national, cultural, religious, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, military status, visa status and life experiences backgrounds.
With a population of 1.4 million people, the Bronx's large, diverse patient population is a major strength of the clinical program.
Exposure to cases in all areas of infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis C, transplant infections, multidrug resistant infections, tropical medicine, and a number of others.
70+ affiliated clinical and basic scientists and biomedical researchers provide fellows with a vast array of potential research projects and educational opportunities.
A Masters in Clinical research is also available to eligible fellows within the Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP)
Ample MedEd opportunities, including teaching monthly microbiology plate rounds, leading small group discussions in the microbiology/infectious diseases course at the Albert Einstein College
of Medicine, and giving core lectures to the Medicine Residency Programs at Montefiore Einstein and Wakefield on a variety of infectious diseases topics, under the mentorship of MedED faculty
Experiencia clÃÂÂnica
Year One: Clinical Training
Each fellow rotates across 4 clinical sites during their first- year clinical training, allowing exposure to a spectrum of infectious diseases, from community-acquired and nosocomial infections
to HIV/AIDS and complications of transplantation and malignancies, infections with multidrug resistant organisms, pediatric infectious diseases, travel medicine, and global health. The majority
of the ACGME required 12 months of clinical experience is performed during the first year to allow flexibility in the second year for research and career development.
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Year 2 and Beyond: Research and Individualized Training Tracks
During the research and professional development year(s), infectious diseases fellows participate in at least one intensive clinical, translational or basic science research project, with opportunities
to undertake additional projects in Quality Improvement, Medical Education, and other areas of his or her interest.
Fellows receive training from faculty members in biostatistics, research study design, and quality improvement methodologies. Those pursuing a career in intensive research are encouraged to stay
for at least three years of fellowship, with the second and subsequent years dedicated to an intensive investigative research project with an experienced research mentor/NIH-funded investigator.
The following academic tracks are available for senior fellows to pursue. Depending on the track, fellows will conduct several research and QI projects in addition
to learning operational management, leadership and programmatic skills of distinct areas of ID. Advanced certifications are also available within certain tracks. There are ample opportunities
to attend regional and national meetings within the fellows area of interest such as CROI, IDWeek, SHEA, etc.
Educational Conferences and Meetings
Regularly scheduled didactic sessions include weekly ID grand rounds, core curriculum lectures, journal clubs, ID board review, transplant/immunocompromised case conference, physician scientist
rounds, lectures by visiting professors, ID-CCM conference.
Faculty, Fellows, and Alumni
Our dedicated faculty mentors conduct cutting-edge infectious diseases research and provide fellows with outstanding training opportunities.
Current ID fellows have a wide array of research interests and unique cultural perspectives. Our program's graduates have gone on to distinguished careers in academic medicine, public health,
pharmaceutical research, hospital leadership, and private practice.
Take the Infectious Diseases Fellowships Program Virtual Tour
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