Division of Infectious Diseases

Dr. Kami Kim Receives Perfect Score for Geographic Medicine and Emerging Infections Grant

Dr. Kami 

Kim, infectious diseases expert in the pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis and malaria at Albert Einstein 

College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Kami Kim, MD

The Geographic Medicine and Emerging Infections NIH T32 training grant, under Principal Investigator Dr. Kami Kim, Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases), of Microbiology & Immunology, and of Pathology, recently received a perfect score in its NIH review.

Dr. Kim's Geographic Medicine and Emerging Infections grant is a cornerstone of the Infectious Diseases training program and vital to the Global Health Program at Einstein. Dr. Kim is co-director (with Dr. Herbert Tanowitz) of the Training Program in Geographic Medicine and Emerging Infections, supporting graduate students and post-doctoral fellows (MD or PhD) who are pursuing mentored basic science and translational global infectious diseases research.

Dr. Herbert Tanowitz, HIV/AIDS expert specializing in Chagas’ disease opportunistic infection, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Herbert B. Tanowitz, MD

Dr. Kim runs a basic science laboratory focused upon understanding the pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis and malaria. Recently she has developed collaborations with clinical investigators at the Blantyre Malaria Project in Malawi to understand the clinical impact of HIV co-infection upon cerebral malaria. She is also interested in understanding epigenetic and genetic factors that govern the host response to parasitic infections, opportunistic pathogens and tuberculosis.


ASP News

Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Designated as Center of Excellence by IDSA
The Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) at Montefiore, led by medical director Priya Nori, MD, has been designated as a Center for Excellence by The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). It is among 25 academic sites in the nation – and one of few in New York City, to receive this prestigious recognition, which was announced on August 15, 2018.


Conferences & Seminars

No Grand Rounds this summer