Cuiling Wang

Cuiling Wang, Ph.D.




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Block 314 Bronx, NY 10461

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Dr. Wang is director of the Statistical Core for the Einstein Aging Study and Principal Investigator of NIH R03 AG046504. Her primary research interests include statistical methods for designing and analyzing longitudinal studies with missing data, mediation analysis and survival analysis.  Missing data is a major source of bias in long-term longitudinal studies, especially aging studies. Dr. Wang has been working on statistical approaches to eliminate or reduce the bias in the estimation of cognitive decline, mobility decline and incidence of dementia in aging studies. She collaborates on studies in aging, mobility, Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular disease, obstetrics & gynecology, autism, and multiple sclerosis.

Selected Publications

Wang C andPaik MC (2006). Efficiencies of methods dealing with missing covariates in regression analysis, Statistica Sinica 16, 1169-1192.

Verghese J, Wang C, Lipton R, Holtzer R and Xue X (2007). Quantitative gait dysfunction and risk of cognitive decline and dementia, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 78, 929-935.

Holtzer R, Verghese J, Wang C, Hall C and Liption R (2008). Within person across neuropsychological domain variability predicts incident dementia, Journal of the American Medical Association 300, 823-830.

Verghese J, Holtzer R, Lipton R and Wang C (2009). Quantitative gait markers and incident fall risk in older adults, Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 64, 896-901.

Wang C and Hall CB (2010): Correction of bias from non-random missing longitudinal data using auxiliary information. Statistics in Medicine 29, 671-679.

Saunders-Pullman R, Stanley K, Brüggemann N, Raymond D, San Luciano M, Wang C, Klein C, Lubarr N, Ozelius L, Bressman SB and Hagenah J (2010). Substantia nigra hyperechogenicity in DYT6 dystonia: a pilot study. Parkinsonism & Related Disorder 16, 420-422.

Wang C and Paik MC (2011). A weighting approach for GEE analysis with missing data. Communication in Statistics—Theory and Methods 40, 2397-2411.

Wang C, Hall CB and Kim M (2012). A comparison of power analysis methods for evaluating effects of a predictor on slopes in longitudinal designs with missing data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research (in press).

Derby CA, Burns LC,  Wang C, Katz MJ, Zimmerman ME, L'Italien G, Guo Z, Berman RM, and Lipton RB (2012). Screening for Predementia AD: Time dependent operating characteristics of episodic memory tests. Neurology 80: 1307-14.

Wang C and Xue X (2016). Power and sample size calculations for evaluating mediation effects in longitudinal studies. Statistical Methods in Medical Research25: 686-705.


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