Jill Raufman

Jill Raufman, M.P.H., M.S.

  • Principal Staff Scientist, Department of Pathology
  • Director, Medical Student Global Health Programs
  • Associate Director, Global Health Center

Area of research

  • I am conducting research in Kenya in the field of environmental health literacy, examining the use of cookstoves and health. As part of that project, we used a survey instrument, tailored to examine health and environmental health literacy.




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Block 505 Bronx, NY 10461

Lab of Jill Raufman

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Jill Raufman is the Associate Director of the Global Health Center, where she is responsible for the development and augmentation of research, education and service global health activities, and also holds the position of Director of Medical Student Global Health Programs. She previously worked for the NYC Department of Health, in addition to a global non-profit organization through which she has spent a considerable amount of time in Kenya. Jill holds a Master of Public Health degree from Hunter College in NYC, as well as a MS in Nutrition in Public Health from Teachers College, Columbia University.

I have experience working in urban global health in Kenya, and have been the course director of the past five global health conferences at the Einstein Global Health Center. I have worked with adolescents in Kenya since 1999, conducting qualitative study with youth in schools in Nairobi and Kisumu, and also with street youth. I have orchestrated a project that provides NYC and Kenyan high students with an ongoing cultural exchange that addresses health and social issues. This project has affected approximately 200 students per year.

In addition, I have expertise in the field of health literacy and have taken part in the design of several projects involving health literacy on behalf of the NYC Mayor’s Office of Adult Literacy and the Bronx Health Literacy Collaborative. I have also taken part in advanced courses in health literacy at the Literacy Assistance Center, NYC, and have received their certificate of achievement.

I have had experience with collecting and analyzing data, having worked with the Community Health Surveys issued by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

I am conducting research in Kenya in the field of environmental health literacy, examining the use of cookstoves and health. As part of that project, we used a survey instrument, tailored to examine health and environmental health literacy.

Selected Publications

  • Raufman, J, Machalaba,C. (2019. Application of the One Health Approach to Global Health Centers. An oral presentation at the 2019 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2019.
  • Chhabra R, Teitelman N, Silver EJ, Raufman J, Bauman LJ. Vulnerability Multiplied: Health Needs Assessment of 13–18-Year-Old Female Orphan and Vulnerable Children in Kenya. World Medical and Health Policy. May 2018.
  • Raufman, J, Lounsbury, D, Mwangi, E, Hosgood, HD. (2017). Assessing low health literacy as a barrier to clean cookstove adoption. An oral presentation at the 2017 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 8, 2017.
  • Raufman, J, Patel, V, Grayson, M. (2017). Preparing learners to address gender and sexual minority stigma and discrimination in global health experiences. A poster presentation at the 2017 SGIM Annual Meeting- Innovations in Medical Education (IME), Washington DC, April 21, 2017.
  • Chhabra, R., Raufman, J, Teitelman, N, Silver, E.J., Bauman, L.J. (2013). Kasarani OVC Program Evaluation (KOPE). Oral presentation at the APHA 141th Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, MA, Nov 2 - Nov 6, 2013.
  • Chhabra, R., Raufman, J., Teitelman, N., Silver, E.J., Bauman, L.J. (2013). Kasarani OVC Program Evaluation (KOPE) for Mental Health and HIV Prevention. A poster presentation at the 27th Congress of the International Pediatric Association, Melbourne, Australia, August 24-29, 2013.
  • Chhabra, R., Raufman, J., Teitelman, N., Silver, E.J., Bauman, L.J. (2014). An Assessment of HIV Prevention Program Needs Among Vulnerable 13 to 18 Year Old Youth in Kasarani, Kenya
  • Poster presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2014.
  • Chhabra, R., Raufman, J., Teitelman, N., Silver, E.J., Bauman, L.J. (2014). Generation at risk! Need for HIV testing, treatment and preventive interventions to reach girls in low income countries. A poster presentation at the Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR) Joint Symposium on HIV Research in Women, New Rochelle, New York, December 8-9, 2014.
  • Chhabra, R., Raufman, J., Teitelman, N., Silver, E.J., Bauman, L.J. (2015). Generation at risk! Are gender specific HIV prevention interventions relevant for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs)? Poster presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, April 25-28th, 2015.
  • Chhabra, R., Teitelman, N, Silver, E.J., Raufman, J, Bauman, L.J. (2016). Vulnerability Multiplied: Health Needs Assessment of 13-18 year old Female Orphan and Vulnerable Children in Kenya. Oral presentation at the Global Women’s Health Workshop, George Mason University, Arlington, VA, March 3, 2016.
  • Raufman J, Farley SM, Olson C, Kerker B. Diabetes and Obesity, Summary of Community Health Survey 2007, NYC DOHMH
  • Raufman J, Farley SM, Olson C, Kerker B. Smoking in NYC Adults, Summary of Community Health Survey 2007, NYC DOHMH
  • Raufman J, Farley SM, Olson C, Kerker B. Access to Health Care and Health Insurance, Summary of Community Health Survey 2007, NYC DOHMH.
  • Raufman J, Berger M, Colson C, Kerker B. Diabetes among New York City Adults. NYC Vital Signs 2009, 8(5); 1-4.