Yogangi Malhotra

Yogangi Malhotra, M.D.

Area of research

  • Neonatal Feeding Exclusive breastfeeding Quality improvement Qualitative/mixed methods research




  • Jacobi Medical Center 1400 Pelham Parkway South Building 1 8S04 Bronx, NY 10461

Lab of Yogangi Malhotra

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Dr. Malhotra an Associate Professor and Neonatal Attending in the Division of Newborn Medicine. She is the Director of Pediatric Quality and Safety for the Department of Pediatrics. She conceptualized the curriculum for building quality capacity for the house-staff via Quality Improvement Residency Curriculum (QuIRC) and for the frontline physicians via Quality Improvement Curriculum (Jacobi QuIC).


Dr. Malhotra is the Co-Chair of the NYC H+H NICU EPIC workgroup, NYCH+H Perinatal COVID Research Committee and the Jacobi Facility Based Collaborative Council (FBCC). She is an honorary clinical instructor for Walden University.


She is actively involved in the APA’s Digital Scholarship Working Group and AAP’s Clinical Leaders and Mid-Career Academic Neonatologist groups. In the past, Dr. Malhotra has participated in the development of the National ONTPD Neonatology Curriculum Project for neonatology fellows, NYSDOH and NICHQ’s joint collaborative called the “Breastfeeding Quality Improvement in Hospitals”, the New York State Chapter of the March of Dimes Advocacy and Government Affairs Committee and the Board of New York State Perinatal Association.


Her interests are Quality, Psychology of Change, Neonatal/Perinatal Advocacy, Resident Mentorship and Education. 


Selected Publications

PMID: 34081877 DOI:10.1080/0142159X.2021.1929910

PMID: 33674713 DOI: 10.1038/s41372-021-01023-8

PMID: 32620511 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2020.06.010

PMID: 34396499 DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1732421

PMID: 26171596 DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1556756 

PMID: 23458157 DOI: 10.1111/pde.12090

PMID: 23092529 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.09.013

PMID: 21238679 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2010.08.051