Raminder K. Parihar

Raminder K. Parihar, M.D.




  • Montefiore Medical Center Medical Arts Pavilion 3400 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10467

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Selected Publications

1. Parihar, R; Mahoney, JR; Verghese, J. Relationship of Gait and Cognition in the Elderly. Curr Transl Geriatr Exp Gerontol Rep. 2013 Sep 1;2(3)

2. Bakshi K, Parihar R, Goswami SK, Walsh M, Friedman E, Wang HY. Prenatal cocaine exposure uncouples mGluR1 from Homer1 and Gq proteins. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 13;9(3):e91671. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091671. eCollection 2014

3. Parihar R, Alterman R, Papavassiliou E, Tarsy D, Shih LC. Comparison of VIM and STN DBS for Parkinsonian Resting and Postural/Action Tremor. Tremor Other Hyperkinetic Mov. 2015 July 6;5: 321

4. Tarsy, Daniel, and Raminder K. Parihar. Medication-Induced Movement Disorders. Cambridge, 2015. Print.