Donna C. Futterman

Donna C. Futterman, M.D.

  • Professor Emerita, Department of Pediatrics (Adolescent Medicine)
  • Director, Adolescent AIDS Program Department of Pediatrics



  • Montefiore Medical Center 3514 Wayne Avenue Bronx, NY 10467

Lab of Donna C. Futterman

Professional Interests

Dr. Donna Futterman is a Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Director of the Adolescent AIDS Program, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx, New York. Her program is one of the nations leading programs providing comprehensive care for HIV+ and at-risk youth and has also developed an award-winning, multi-city social marketing program promoting HIV testing to youth.  Dr. Futterman has published more than 50 articles and chapters on the care of HIV + and at-risk youth and a book entitled: Lesbian and Gay Youth: Care and Counseling and lectures widely throughout the country and internationally.   She is currently working as a consultant with the Global AIDS Program of Centers for Disease Control on the development of international youth and HIV programs.


She has served as a national leader, chairing the NIH-funded Adolescent Medicine HIV/AIDS Research Network and the Adolescent Committee of the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group and has served on the HRSA/CDC AIDS Advisory Council. She currently serves on the Committee on Pediatric AIDS of the American Academy of Pediatrics and is a Board member of: Life Beat - The Music Industry Fights AIDS, the AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth and Families, A Better Bronx for Youth Consortium, as well as a South African program: Mothers to Mothers-to-be.  In 2001, she spent a six-month sabbatical in Cape Town, South Africa working with the provincial health ministry and at the University of Cape Town on their AIDS response.


Articles quoting Dr. Futterman have appeared in the New York Times, Daily News, Washington Post, Seventeen Magazine, the Village Voice and the Advocate.  She has appeared on various news broadcasts including: Good Morning America, CNN, PBS, NPR, MTV, New York One, Bronx Net, and the Montel Williams Show.


Dr. Futterman earned her Bachelor of Arts from Barnard College, Columbia University (1975) and her medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1985).  She completed her pediatric residency in the Department of Pediatrics and the Residency Program in Social Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York (1988).  She had additional training as a fellow in Immunology/Infectious Diseases at the Children’s Hospital AIDS Program of the University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, New Jersey (1989).


Dr. Futterman, along with her life partner Virginia Casper, PhD, is the proud mother of an adolescent son, Evan Casper-Futterman.



Selected Publications



Ryan C, Futterman D.  Lesbian and Gay Youth: Care and Counseling.  Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews: Official Journal of the Adolescent Health Section of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Philadelphia, Hanley and Belfus, Inc., June 1997. 


Ryan C, Futterman D.  Lesbian and Gay Youth: Care and Counseling. Republished by Columbia University Press, New York, June 1998. (Second Printing: 1999,  Third printing: March 2000)




Hein K, Futterman D.  Medical Management of HIV-Infected Adolescents, in S. Hauger, S. Nicholas (eds): Guidelines for the Care of Children & Adolescents with HIV Infection. J Pediatrics 119:S18-20, 1991.


Futterman D, Hein K, Reuben N, Dell R, Shaffer N.  HIV Infected Adolescents: The First

50 Patients in a New York City Program. Pediatrics, 91:730-735, 1993.


Kunis H, Hein K, Futterman D, Tapley E, Elliot A.  A Guide to Adolescent HIV/AIDS

Program Development. J Adolescent Health, Special Supplement, July: 1-168, 1993.


Smith Rogers A, D'Angelo L, Futterman D.  Guidelines for Adolescent Participation in

Research: Current Realities and Possible Resolutions.  IRB: A Review of Human

Subjects Research, Hastings Center, 16;1-6, July - August 1994.


Hein K, Dell R, Futterman D, Rotheram-Borus M, Shaffer N. Comparison of HIV+ and

HIV- Adolescents: Risk Factors and Psychosocial Determinants.  Pediatrics 95:96-104,



Hoffman N, Kelly C, Futterman D.  Tuberculosis Infection in HIV+ Adolescents: A New

York City Cohort. Pediatrics 97:198-203, 1996


Smith Rogers A, Futterman D, Levin L, D'Angelo.  A Profile of HIV-Infected

Adolescents Receiving Health Care Services at Selected Sites in the U.S.  J Adolescent

Health 19:401-408, 1996.


Smith Rogers A, Futterman D, Moscicki A, Wilson C, Ellenberg J, Vermund S.  The

REACH Project of the Adolescent Medicine HIV/AIDS Research Network.   J

Adolescent Health 22:300-311, 1998.


Rotheram-Borus M and Futterman D.  Promoting Early Detection of HIV Among

Adolescents.  Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 154:435-39, 2000.


Holland C, Ellenberg J, Wilson C, Douglas S, Futterman D, Kingsley L and Moscicki A.

Relationship of CD4+ T Cell Counts and HIV Type 1 Viral Loads in Untreated, Infected

Adolescents.  AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 16:959-63, 2000.


Rogers AS, Lindsey JC, Futterman D, Zimmer B, Abdalian SE, D’Angelo LJ.  Serologic

 Examination of Hepatitis B Infection and Immunization in HIV-Positive Youth and

 Associated Risks.  AIDS Patient Care and STDs 14 (12):651-57, 2000.


Rotheram-Borus MJ, Lee M, Murphy D, Futterman D, Duan N, Birnbaum J, Lightfoot

M. and the Teens Linked to Care Consortium.  Efficacy of a Preventive Intervention for

Youth Living with HIV.  Am J Public Health 91:400-405, 2001.


Chabon B, Futterman D, Hoffman N.  HIV Infection in Parents of Youth with

Behaviorally Acquired HIV. Am J Public Health 2001; 01:649-650.


Futterman D, Peralta L, Rudy B, Wolfson S, Guttmacher S, Rogers A.  HIV. Live with it.

Get Tested: Social Marketing to Promote HIV Testing to Adolescents.  J Adolesce Health

Supplement: The  Adolescent Medicine HIV/AIDS Research Network: Selected Clinical

Research  29(3S):19-29, 200l.


Wilson C, Houser J, Partlow C, Bret R,  Futterman D, Friedman L.  The REACH

(Reaching for Excellence in Adolescent Care and Health) Project: Study Design,

 Methods, and Population Profile.  J Adolesce Health Supplement: The Adolescent

 Medicine HIV/AIDS Research Network : Selected Clinical Research 29(3S):8-18, 2001.


Wilson C, Jonas E, Sawyer M, Belzer M, Crowley-Nowick P, Puga A, Futterman D, Peralta L. Serologic Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine in HIV Infected and High-Risk HIV Uninfected     Adolescents in the REACH Cohort.  J Adolesce Health Supplement: The Adolescent Medicine HIV/AIDS Research Network: Selected Clinical Research 29(3S):123-129, 2001.


Murphy, D A, Mitchell, R, Vermund, S H, Futterman, D.  Factors Associated With HIV Testing        Among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative High-Risk Adolescents: The REACH Study. Pediatrics 2002;110:e36 (


Casper V, Futterman D, Casper-Futterman D.  What we bring with us and what we leave

behind:  Six months in post-apartheid South Africa. Letters From Abroad, Occasional

Paper Series, Bank Street College of Education, NY: Bank Street College pp. 1-20,



Hoffman N, Mayo L, Futterman D.  HIV and Adolescents: Counseling and Testing,

Linkage to Care and Partner Notification – Guidelines for New York Health Care

Providers.  New York State Department of Health.  Published on the Web.





Futterman D, Hein K.  Medical Management of Adolescents. In P Pizzo, C Wilfert (eds.): Pediatric AIDS: The Challenge of HIV Infection in Infants, Children & Adolescents. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, Chapter 38, 531-560, 1990. Second Edition, Chapter 40, 757-772, 1994.


Kipke M, Futterman D, Hein K.  HIV Infection and AIDS During Adolescence.  In James Farrow (ed): Medical Clinics of North America, Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co. 74:1149-67, 1990.


Futterman D, Casper V.  Challenges of Treating Lesbian and Gay Adolescents. In Hoekelman, et al (eds): Primary Pediatric Care. Mosby Year Book. Chapter 101, 777-780, 1991.


Futterman D, Hein K.  AIDS & HIV Infection in S Friedman, M Fisher, SK Schonberg (eds).  Comprehensive Adolescent Health Care, Missouri, Quality Medical Publishing, Inc., 65:521-531, 1992.  Second Edition, St. Louis, MO: Mosby 1998.


Futterman D, Hein K. Medical Care of HIV Infected Adolescents.  AIDS Clinical Care, Massachusetts Medical Society, 4:95-98, 1992.


 Futterman D, Hein K, Kunins H. Contemporary Pediatrics: Teens & AIDS: Identifying and Testing Those at Risk, pp 68-93, August 1993. Teens & AIDS: Treating the HIV-Positive Adolescent, pp 55-71, September 1993. Teens & AIDS: Reducing AIDS Risk in Adolescents, pp 67-80, October 1993.


Futterman D. Consultant, Committee on Adolescence of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Position Statement on Homosexuality and Adolescence. Pediatrics, 92:631-634, 1993.


Gold MA, Perrin EC, Futterman D, Friedman SB.  Children of Gay or Lesbian Parents.  Pediatrics in Review, 9:354-358, September 1994.


Futterman D, Hein K. Ambulatory Care of Adolescents in Criteria for the Medical Care of Children and Adolescents with HIV Infection. AIDS Institute: NYS Department of Health, Boston, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Chapter 4, 49-57, 1995.


Hoffman N, Futterman D. HIV and Youth.  In Mann J (ed) AIDS in the World II: Global Dimensions, Social Roots, and Responses.  The Global AIDS Policy Coalition, Oxford University Press: New York, Chapter 21, 236-251, 1996.


Marte C, Futterman D, Cohen M. Women and HIV Infection. In Smith R, Hunter J, Volberding P (eds) Encyclopedia of AIDS, New York, Garland Publishing 1998.


Futterman D.  Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Laurence Finberg (ed): Saunders Manual of Pediatric Practice.  Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company, Chapter 41, 1998.


 Ryan C, Futterman D.  Caring for Lesbian and Gay Teens.  Contemporary Pediatrics, pp 107-130, November 1998.


Ryan C, Futterman D, Stine K.  Helping Our Hidden Youth.  American Journal of Nursing, pp 37-41, December 1998.


Schietinger H, Sawyer M, Futterman D, Rudy B, Rogers A.  Helping Adolescents with HIV Adhere to HAART. Monograph published by the Department of Health and Human Services.  1999.


Futterman D, Chabon B, Hoffman N.  Adolescents and HIV Infection.  Pediatric Clinics of North America.  Rogers M. (ed.), 47:171-88, 2000.


Futterman D.  HIV Infection in Adolescents: Epidemiology and Challenges.  Topics in HIV Medicine. International AIDS Society-USA, 8:19-21, June 2000.


Futterman D.  Adolescent women and HIV.  In Anderson J. (ed.) Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV, Health Resources Services Administration. 2001.


Ryan C, Futterman D.  Social and Developmental Challenges For Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth. SIECUS Report, 29(4):5-18, 2001.


Ryan C, Futterman D.  Lesbian and Gay Adolescents: Identity Development.  The

Prevention Researcher February 2001.


Futterman, D.   Youth and HIV: The Epidemic Continues.  The Physicians Research Network Notebook, 8:21-24, March 2003.


Futterman D, Stafford S. To Test or Not to Test: It’s no longer a Question.  Monograph for AIDS Act Now! A Project of the CDC.  In press 2004.


Futterman, D.  HIV and AIDS in Adolescents. in Braverman P and Rosenfeld W  Ed.  Adolescent Medicine Clinics.  June 2004; 15:2:369-91.