Shudan Wang

Shudan Wang, M.D., M.S.

Area of research

  • Transitional and clinical research in lupus, with a focus on the role of the complement system in lupus related kidney disease.




  • Montefiore Medical Center 3411 Wayne Avenue 2A Bronx, NY 10467

Lab of Shudan Wang

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Professional Interests

Dr. Wang is an Attending Physician in the Division of Rheumatology at Montefiore Medical Center, and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She is board certified in both internal medicine and rheumatology and currently sees patients at the Montefiore Westchester Practice at Taxter Road. Dr. Wang has an expertise in lupus and lupus related kidney disease. She is also skilled to see a wide range of other rheumatologic diseases, including but not limited to antiphospholipid syndrome, Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthropathy and psoriatic arthritis, vasculitis, myositis, polymyalgia rheumatica, scleroderma and osteoarthritis.

Dr. Wang graduated from McGill University with a major in Physiology and Statistics in 2009. Dr. Wang received her medical degree from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in 2013. She subsequently completed her internal medicine residency training at New York Presbyterian Hospital Cornell in 2016, followed by a fellowship in Rheumatology at New York University Hospital in 2018. Dr. Wang obtained a MS in clinical research from the Albert Einstein Clinical Research Training Program in 2021.

Dr. Wang's research interest is in lupus, focused on the role of the complement system in lupus related kidney disease. Dr. Wang is supported by the NIH KL2 Mentored Clinical Research Scholar Grant and the Rheumatology Research Foundation K-Bridge Grant to investigate complement biomarkers in lupus nephritis using various translational approaches including immunohistochemistry, urine proteomics and single cell RNA sequencing. Dr. Wang has experience working with large cohorts and databases, recruiting patients for the Einstein Rheumatic Disease Registry and serve as sub-investigator for lupus clinical trials. She has published first author papers in prestigious journals, presented her academic work at national meetings and served on NIH and CDC study sections. She was recognized by American College of Rheumatology as a Distinguished Fellow nationally for translational research and clinical excellence in 2018.

Selected Publications

Wang Shudan, Wu M, Chiriboga L, Zeck B, Goilav B, Wang Shuwei, Jimenez-Londono A, Putterman C, Schwartz D, Pullman J, Broder A, HM Belmont. Membrane Attack Complex (MAC) Deposition in Renal Tubules is Associated with Interstitial Fibrosis/Tubular Atrophy: A Pilot Study. Lupus Science & Medicine. 2022 Jan; 9(1).

Tagoe, CE, Wang W, Wang S, Barbour K. Association of anti-thyroid antibodies with radiographic knee osteoarthritis and chondrocalcinosis: a NHANES III study. Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease. 2021 Aug 4; 13.

Guerrero, MS, Londono, A, Dobrowolski C, Mowrey WB, Goilav B, Wang S, Broder A. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Activity and Hydroxychloroquine Use Before and After End-Stage Renal Disease. BMC Nephrology. 2020 Oct 28; 21(1): 450.

Wang S, Wu M, Pillinger MH, Krasnokutsky, S, and Barbour K. The Association between Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia and Knee Osteoarthritis: Data from Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2019 Sep;27(9):1301-1308.

Wang S, Wu M, Chiriboga L, Zeck B, HM Belmont. Membrane Attack Complex (MAC) Deposition in Lupus Nephritis is Associated with Hypertension and Poor Clinical Response to Treatment. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2018; 48(2): 256-262. 

Wang S, Broder N, Marchetta P, Nowatzky J. Myelodysplastic syndrome presenting as a Behcet’s like syndrome with aortitis. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 March 15.  

Oshima-Takane Y, Wang S, Takane M and Takane, Y. The Acquisition of Personal Pronouns in English: Neural Network Stimulations. Studies in Language Sciences. 2014, Jan: 13 (53-69).

Sleat DE, Ding L, Wang S, Zhao C, Wang Y, Zheng H, Moore DF, Sims KB, Lobel P. Mass spectrometry-based protein profiling to determine the cause of lysosomal storage disease of unknown etiology. Mole Cell Proteomics. 2009 Jul; 8(7): 1708-18.